Appendix 1: Financial Statements
Federal Court of Australia Annual Report 2010-2011
Federal Court of Australia
Independent Auditor's Report
Independent Auditor's Report
To the Attorney-General
Report on the Financial Statements
I have audited the accompanying financial statements of Federal Court of Australia 11w the year ended 30 June 2011, which comprise: a Statement by the Registrar and Chief Finance Officer; Statement of Comprehensive Income; Balance Sheet; Statement of Changes in Equity; Cash Flow Statement; Schedule of Commitments; Schedule of Asset Additions; Schedule of Contingencies; Schedule of Administered Items and Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements including a Summary of Significant Accounting Policies.
Registrar's Responsibility for the Financial StatementsThe Federal Court of Australia's Registrar is responsible 11w the preparation of financial statements that give a true and fair view in accordance with the Finance Minister's Orders made under the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997, including the Australian Accounting Standards, and for such internal control as the Registrar determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor's Responsibility
My responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements based on my audit. I conducted my audit in accordance with the Australian National Audit Office Auditing Standards, which incorporate the Australian Auditing Standards. These auditing standards require that 1 comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Court's preparation of the financial statements that give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Court's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Registrar as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion.
In conducting my audit, I have followed the independence requirements of the Australian National Audit Office, which incorporate the requirements of the Australian accounting profession.
In my opinion, the financial statements of the Federal Court of Australia:
(a) have been prepared in accordance with the Finance Minister's Orders made under the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997, including the Australian Accounting Standards; and
(b) give a true and fair view of the matters required by the Finance Minister's Orders including the Federal Court of Australia's financial position as at 30 June 2011 and of its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended.
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
As described in note 20 to the financial statements, the Federal Court of Australia has recently become aware there is an increased risk of a breach of section 83 of the Constitution where payments are made from special accounts in circumstances where the payments do not accord with conditions included in the relevant legislation, and has advised that these circumstances will be investigated.
Australian National Audit Office
Kristian Gage
Engagement Executive
Delegate of the Auditor-General
31 August2011
Federal Court of Australia
Statement by the Registrar and Chief Finance Officer
In our opinion, the attached financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2011 are based on properly maintained financial records and give a true and fair view of the matters required by the Finance Minister's Orders made under the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997, as amended.
Warwick Soden
Registrar and Chief Executive Officer
31 August 2011
Peter Bowen Chief Finance Officer
31 August 2011
Federal Court of Australia
Statement of Comprehensive Income
for the period ended 30 June 2011
NOTES | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Judge benefits | 2A | 27,420 | 26,791 |
Employee benefits | 2A | 31,410 | 32,015 |
Suppliers | 2B | 45,221 | 45,464 |
Depreciation and amortisation | 2C | 2,845 | 2,345 |
Finance costs | 2D | 18 | 13 |
Write-down and impairment of assets | 2E | 5,113 | 13 |
Loss on sale of assets | 2F | 3 | - |
Other payments to FMC | 2G | 387 | 735 |
Contribution to FMC | 2H | 2,561 | 6,869 |
Total Expenses | 114,978 | 114,245 | |
LESS | |||
Own-source revenue | |||
Sale of goods and rendering of services | 3A | 2,532 | 2,659 |
Other revenue - FMC | 3B | - | 8,721 |
Total own-source revenue | 2,532 | 11,380 | |
Gains | |||
Sale of assets | 2F | - | 3 |
Other gains | 3C | 15,754 | 15,694 |
Total gains | 15,754 | 15,697 | |
Total own-source Income | 18,286 | 27,077 | |
Net cost of services | 96,692 | 87,168 | |
Revenue from Government | 3D | 88,325 | 88,410 |
Surplus (Deficit) attributable to the Australian Government | (8,367) | 1,242 | |
Changes in asset revaluation reserves | 295 | - | |
Total Comprehensive Income | 295 | - | |
Total Comprehensive Income (Loss) attributable to the Australian Government | (8,072) | 1,242 |
Federal Court of Australia
Balance Sheet
As at 30 June 2011
NOTES | 2011 | 2010 | |
ASSETS | |||
Financial Assets | |||
Cash and cash equivalents | 4A | 810 | 587 |
Trade and other receivables | 4B | 29,591 | 33,691 |
Total financial assets | 30,401 | 34,278 | |
Land and buildings | 5A | 12,273 | 11,510 |
Infrastructure, plant and equipment | 5B | 5,845 | 9,326 |
Intangibles | 5C | 1,596 | 1,621 |
Other non-financial assets | 5E | 1,825 | 1,679 |
Total non-financial assets | 21,539 | 24,136 | |
Total Assets | 51,940 | 58,414 | |
Payables | |||
Suppliers | 6A | (940) | (5,994) |
Other Payables | 6B | (915) | (1,030) |
Total payables | (1,855) | (7,024) | |
Leases | 7 | (735) | (83) |
Total interest bearing liabilities | (735) | (83) | |
Provisions | |||
Judge and employee provisions | 8 | (15,805) | (16,296) |
Total provisions | (15,805) | (16,296) | |
Total Liabilities | (18,395) | (23,403) | |
Net Assets | 33,545 | 35,011 | |
EQUITY | |||
Contributed equity | 16,325 | 9,719 | |
Reserves | 1,584 | 1,289 | |
Retained surplus | 15,636 | 24,003 | |
Total Equity | 33,545 | 35,011 |
Federal Court of Australia
Statement of Changes in Equity
For the period ended 30 June 2011
Retained Earnings | Asset Revaluation Reserves | Contributed Equity/Capital | Total Equity | |||||
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Opening balance | 24,003 | 23,808 | 1,289 | 1,289 | 9,719 | 9,719 | 35,011 | 34,816 |
Comprehensive Income | ||||||||
Other Comprehensive Income | - | - | 295 | - | - | - | 295 | - |
Surplus (Deficit) for period | (8,367) | 1,242 | - | - | - | - | (8,367) | 1,242 |
Total comprehensive income | (8,367) | 1,242 | 295 | - | - | - | (8,072) | 1,242 |
Transactions with owners Distribution to owners Return of prior years' unspent appropriation | - | (1,047) | - | - | - | - | (1,047) | |
Contributions by owners | ||||||||
Equity Injection - Appropriations | - | - | - | - | 360 | - | 360 | - |
Departmental Capital Budget | - | - | - | - | 6,246 | - | 6,246 | - |
Sub-total transactions with owners | - | (1,047) | - | - | 6,606 | - | 6,606 | (1,047) |
Closing balance as at 30 June | 15,636 | 24,003 | 1,584 | 1,289 | 16,325 | 9,719 | 33,545 | 35,011 |
Closing balance attributable to the Australian Government | 15,636 | 24,003 | 1,584 | 1,289 | 16,325 | 9,719 | 33,545 | 35,011 |
Federal Court of Australia
Cash Flow Statement
For the period ended 30 June 2011
NOTES | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Cash received | |||
Goods and services | 1,812 | 6,590 | |
Appropriations | 96,035 | 87,292 | |
Refunds credited | 26 | 44 | |
Net GST received | 190 | - | |
Total cash received | 98,063 | 93,926 | |
Cash used | |||
Judges and employees | (49,556) | (49,108) | |
Suppliers | (48,190) | (38,321) | |
Net GST paid | - | (223) | |
Borrowing costs | (18) | (13) | |
Total cash used | (97,764) | (87,666) | |
Net cash from / (used by) operating activities | 9 | 299 | 6,261 |
Cash received | |||
Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment | 19 | 20 | |
Total cash received | 19 | 20 | |
Cash used | |||
Purchase of property, plant and equipment | (3,854) | (5,819) | |
Purchase of intangibles | (313) | (103) | |
Total cash used | (4,167) | (5,922) | |
Net cash / (used by) investing activities | (4,148) | (5,902) | |
Cash received | |||
Appropriations - contributed equity | 4,195 | - | |
Total cash received | 4,195 | - | |
Cash used | |||
Other - Return of Appropriation | - | (1,047) | |
Payment of finance lease liabilities | (123) | (160) | |
Total cash used | (123) | (1,207) | |
Net cash / (used by) financing activities | 4,072 | (1,207) | |
Net increase (decrease) in cash held | 223 | (848) | |
Cash at the beginning of the reporting period | 587 | 1,435 | |
Cash at the end of the reporting period | 4A | 810 | 587 |
Federal Court of Australia
Schedule of Commitments
As at 30 June 2011
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
BY TYPE | ||
Commitments receivable | ||
Net GST recoverable on commitments | 17,116 | 14,214 |
Total commitments receivable | 17,116 | 14,214 |
Commitments payable | ||
Capital commitments | ||
Infrastructure, plant and equipment 1 | (139) | (1,842) |
Total capital commitments | (139) | (1,842) |
Other commitments | ||
Operating leases 2 | (187,323) | (154,474) |
Other 3 | (817) | (34) |
Total other commitments | (188,140) | (154,508) |
Net commitments by type | (171,163) | (142,136) |
Commitments receivable | ||
One year or less | 1,686 | 1,487 |
From one to five years | 6,536 | 5,336 |
Over five years | 8,894 | 7,391 |
Total commitments receivable | 17,116 | 14,214 |
Capital commitments | ||
One year or less | (139) | (1,842) |
Total capital commitments | (139) | (1,842) |
Operating lease commitments | ||
One year or less | (17,591) | (14,485) |
From one to five years | (71,896) | (58,694) |
Over five years | (97,836) | (81,295) |
Total operating lease commitments | (187,323) | (154,474) |
Other commitments | ||
One year or less | (817) | (34) |
Total other commitments | (817) | (34) |
Net Commitments by Maturity | (171,163) | (142,136) |
NB: Commitments are GST inclusive where relevant.
1 Plant and equipment commitments are primarily contracts for the purchase of furniture and fittings.
Nature of leases/General description
2 Operating leases included are effectively non-cancellable and comprise:
Leases for judicial and other accommodation
These commitments are mainly for rental of special purpose court buildings which are occupied by the Court's registries.
The court buildings are owned by the Commonwealth of Australia, except for the New South Wales court building, which is owned by Law Courts Limited, a joint venture between the NSW State and Commonwealth Governments. In the Northern Territory, space is leased from the Northern Territory Government.
Agreements for the provision of motor vehicles to judges and senior officers
The Court leases motor vehicles from Lease Plan under the terms of a contract that is operative until January 2012. These vehicles are leased under individual operating leases.
3 Other commitments - The Court has entered into commitments for the provision of information technology and library goods and services.
Federal Court of Australia
Schedule of Contingencies
As at 30 June 2011
There were no contingent losses or gains as at 30 June 2011 (2010: nil).
Federal Court of Australia
Schedule of Asset Additions
For the period ended 30 June 2011
The following non-financial non-current assets were added in 2010-11:
Buildings | Other property, plant & equipment | Intangibles | Total | |
Additions funded in the current year | ||||
By purchase - appropriation other services | ||||
Equity Injections | ||||
- | - | 272 | 272 | |
By purchase - appropriation ordinary annual services | ||||
Departmental Capital Budget | 3,135 | 719 | 41 | 3,895 |
Total additions funded in the current year | 3,135 | 719 | 313 | 4,167 |
Additions recognised in 2010-11 to be funded in future years | ||||
By purchase - finance leases | - | 775 | - | 775 |
Total future years / unfunded additions | - | 775 | - | 775 |
Total additions | 3,135 | 1,494 | 313 | 4,942 |
The following non-financial non-current assets were added in 2009-10:
Buildings | Other property, plant & equipment | Intangibles | Total | |
Additions funded in the current year | ||||
By purchase - appropriation other services | ||||
Equity Injections | 2,154 | - | - | 2,154 |
By purchase - appropriation ordinary annual services | - | - | 272 | 272 |
Ordinary Operating Costs | 2,465 | 1,221 | 224 | 3,910 |
Total additions funded in the current year | 4,619 | 1,221 | 224 | 3,910 |
Total additions | 4,619 | 1,221 | 224 | 6,064 |
Federal Court of Australia
Schedule of Administered Items
For the period ended 30 June 2011
NOTES | 2011 | 2010 | |
Income administered on behalf of Government for the period ended 30 June 2011 | |||
Revenue | |||
Non Taxation Revenue | |||
Fees (filing and hearing fees) | 13 | 10,514 | 6,961 |
Fines | 13 | 2,032 | 785 |
Other revenue | 13 | 43 | 145 |
Total revenue administered on behalf of Government | 12,589 | 7,891 | |
Total income administered on behalf of Government | 12,589 | 7,891 | |
Expenses administered on behalf of Government | |||
Fees and fines - provision for doubtful debts | 14 | (98) | (22) |
Total expenses administered on behalf of Government | (98) | (22) | |
Assets administered on behalf of Government as at 30 June 2011 | |||
Financial assets | |||
Cash and cash equivalents | 15A | 23 | 40 |
Receivables | 15B | 803 | 369 |
Total assets administered on behalf of Government | 826 | 409 | |
Liabilities administered on behalf of Government As at 30 June 2011 | |||
Payables | |||
Refunds of fees | 16A | 1 | - |
Total payables | 1 | - | |
Total liabilities administered on behalf of Government | 1 | - | |
Administered cash flows for the period ended 30 June 2011 | |||
Cash received | |||
Fees | 10,304 | 7,011 | |
Fines | 2,059 | 857 | |
Other | 44 | 146 | |
Total cash received | 12,407 | 8,014 | |
Cash used | |||
Refund of court fees and fines | (350) | (266) | |
Total cash used | (350) | (266) | |
Net cash flows from operating activities | 12,057 | 7,748 | |
Net Increase in cash held | 12,057 | 7,748 | |
Cash at the beginning of the reporting period | 40 | 55 | |
Cash from Official Public Account for: | |||
- Appropriations | 350 | 265 | |
350 | 265 | ||
Cash to Official Public Account | (12,424) | (8,028) | |
(12,424) | (8,028) | ||
Cash at the end of the reporting period | 17A | 23 | 40 |
Administered commitments
as at 30 June 2011
There were no Administered commitments as at 30 June 2011. (2010: nil)
Administered contingencies
as at 30 June 2011
There were no Administered contingent losses or gains as at 30 June 2011. (2010: nil)
Federal Court of Australia
Notes to and forming part of the financial statements
Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Note 2: Operating Expenses
Note 3: Income
Note 4: Financial Assets
Note 5: Non-Financial Assets
Note 6: Payables
Note 7: Interest Bearing Liabilities
Note 8: Provisions
Note 9: Cash Flow Reconciliation
Note 10: Executive Remuneration
Note 11: Remuneration of Auditors
Note 12: Financial Instruments
Note 13: Income Administered on Behalf of Government
Note 14: Expenses Administered on Behalf of Government
Note 15: Assets Administered on Behalf of Government
Note 16: Liabilities Administered on Behalf of Government
Note 17: Administered Reconciliation Table
Note 18: Administered Financial Instruments
Note 19: Appropriations
Note 20: Special Accounts
Note 21: Compensation and Debt Relief
Note 22: Reporting of Outcomes
Note 23: Comprehensive Income (Loss) attributable to the Court
Note 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
1.1 Objectives of the Court
The Federal Court of Australia is an Australian Government controlled entity. The objectives of the Court are to:
- decide disputes according to law promptly, courteously and effectively; and in so doing to interpret the statutory law and develop the general law of the Commonwealth, so as to fulfil the role of a court exercising the judicial power of the Commonwealth under the Constitution;
- provide an effective registry service to the community; and
- manage the resources allotted by Parliament efficiently.
The Court is structured to meet one Outcome:
Outcome: To apply and uphold the rule of law to deliver remedies and enforce rights and in so doing, contribute to the social and economic development and well-being of all Australians.
The Court's activities contributing toward this outcome are classified as either departmental or administered. Departmental activities involve the use of assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses controlled or incurred by the Court in its own right. Administered activities involve the management or oversight by the Court, on behalf of the Government, of items controlled or incurred by the Government.
The Court conducts the following administered activity on behalf of the Government: The collection of fees and fines.
The continued existence of the Court in its present form and with its present programs is dependent on Government policy and on continuing appropriations by Parliament for the Court's administration and programs.
1.2 Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements
The financial statements are general purpose financial statements and are required by section 49 of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997.
The financial statements and notes have been prepared in accordance with:
- Finance Minister's Orders (or FMOs), for reporting periods ending on or after 1 July 2010; and
- Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) that apply for the reporting period.
The financial statements have been prepared on an accrual basis and is in accordance with the historical cost convention, except for certain assets at fair value. Except where stated, no allowance is made for the effect of changing prices on the results or the financial position.
The financial statements are presented in Australian dollars and values are rounded to the nearest thousand dollars unless otherwise specified.
Unless alternative treatment is specifically required by an Accounting Standard or the FMOs, assets and liabilities are recognised in the balance sheet when and only when it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the Court and the amounts of assets or liabilities can be reliably measured. However, assets and liabilities arising under executor contracts are not recognised unless required by an Accounting Standard. Liabilities and assets that are unrecognised are reported in the Schedule of Commitments and the Schedule of Contingencies.
Unless alternative treatment is specifically required by an accounting standard, revenues and expenses are recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income only when the flow or consumption or loss of economic benefits has occurred and can be reliably measured.
Administered revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities and cash flows reported in the Schedule of Administered Items and related notes are accounted for on the same basis and using the same policies as for departmental items.
1.3 Significant Accounting Judgements and Estimates
No accounting assumptions or estimates have been identified that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next accounting period.
1.4 Changes in Australian Accounting Standards
Adoption of new Australian Accounting Standard requirements
No accounting standard has been adopted earlier than the application date as stated in the standard. No new accounting standards, amendments to standards and interpretations issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board that are applicable in the current period have had a material financial affect on the Court.
Future Australian Accounting Standard requirements
New standards, amendments to standards, and interpretations that are applicable to future periods have been issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board. It is estimated that adopting these pronouncements, when effective, will have no material impact on future reporting periods.
1.5 Revenue
Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised when:
a) the risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the buyer;
b) the entity retains no managerial involvement or effective control over the goods;
c) the revenue and transaction costs incurred can be reliably measured; and
d) it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Court.
Revenue from rendering of services is recognised by reference to the stage of completion of contracts at the reporting date. The revenue is recognised when:
a) The amount of revenue, stage of completion and transaction costs incurred can be reliably measured; and
b) The probable economic benefits with the transaction have flowed to the Court.
Receivables for goods and services, which have 30 day terms, are recognised at the nominal amounts due less any impairment allowance account. Collectability of debts is reviewed at the balance date. Allowances are made when collection of the debt is no longer probable.
Revenue from Government
Amounts appropriated for departmental outputs appropriations for the year (adjusted for any formal additions and reductions) are recognised as revenue when the Court gains control of the appropriation, except for certain amounts that relate to activities which are reciprocal in nature, in which case revenue has been recognised only when it has been earned. Appropriations receivable are recognised at their nominal amounts.
In the 2009-10 Budget, the Australian Government agreed to a restructure of the federal courts. This resulted in the reallocation of funding from the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia (FMC) to the Federal Court of Australia (FCA) and the Family Court of Australia (FCoA) from 1 January 2010.
The restructure has been delayed. The government is considering the implications of the High Court's decision in Lane v Morrison for the proposed restructure of the Federal Courts, and the formulation of proposals for an appropriate jurisdiction to determine military justice matters, including the involvement of Chapter III courts. As a result of the delay, part of the appropriation has been returned to the FMC with effect from 1 January 2011. Refer to note 1.17 for further details.
Funding that was transferred from the FMC to the FCA and the FCoA respectively was invoiced back by the FMC for the period 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2010. This arrangement was reflected in the FCA's budgeted financial statements for 2010-11, as reported in the PBS and as described in the 2009-10 PAES.
The invoicing arrangements are reflective of the integrated federal court system with overlapping jurisdiction and avenues for transfer between the various courts noting that the FMC was established to ease the workload of both the FCA and the FCoA by having the FMC hear matters of a less complex nature, which would otherwise have been heard in the 'senior' courts.
1.6 Gains
Resources Received Free of Charge
Resources received free of charge are recognised as gains when, and only when, a fair value can be reliably determined and the services would have been purchased if they had not been donated. Use of these resources is recognised as an expense.
Contributions of assets at no cost of acquisition or for nominal consideration are recognised as gains at their fair value when the asset qualifies for recognition, unless received from another Government entity as a consequence of a restructure of administrative arrangements.
Resources received free of charge are recognised as either revenue or gains depending on their nature.
Sale of Assets
Gains from disposal of non-current assets are recognised when control of the asset has passed to the buyer.
1.7 Transactions with the Government as Owner
Equity Injections
Amounts appropriated which are designated as 'equity injections' (less any formal reductions) and Departmental Capital Budgets (DCBs) are recognised directly in contributed equity in that year.
Other Distributions to owners
The FMO require that distributions to owners be debited to contributed equity unless in the nature of a dividend. In 2009-10, by agreement with the Department of Finance and Deregulation, the Court returned $1,047,000 of unspent appropriation to the Department. This appropriation related to previous financial years.
1.8 Judge and Employee Benefits
Liabilities for 'short-term employee benefits' (as defined in AASB 119 Employee Benefits) and termination benefits due within twelve months of balance date are measured at their nominal amounts.
The nominal amount is calculated with regard to the rates expected to be paid on settlement of the liability.
All other judge and employee benefit liabilities are measured as the present value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made in respect of services provided by judges and employees up to the reporting date.
The liability for employee benefits includes provision for annual leave and long service leave. No provision has been made for sick leave as all sick leave is non-vesting and the average sick leave taken in future years by employees of the Court is estimated to be less than the annual entitlement for sick leave.
The long service leave provision is based on the Court's estimated liability at balance date. Court staff employed under the Public Service Act accrue 3 months long service leave after 10 years service, and proportionally thereafter. The estimate of the present liability takes into account attrition rates and pay increases through promotion and inflation. Judges accrue 6 months long leave after 5 years of service. In recognition of the nature of Judges' tenure, a provision is accrued from the first year of service.
The leave liabilities are calculated on the basis of employees' remuneration at the estimated salary rates that applied at the time the leave is taken. This includes the Court's employer superannuation contribution rates to the extent that the leave is likely to be taken during service rather than paid out on termination.
Staff of the Court are members of the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS), the Public Sector Superannuation Scheme (PSS) or the PSS accumulation plan (PSSap). Some staff members elect to have contributions made to another superannuation fund of their choice.
The CSS and PSS are defined benefit schemes for the Commonwealth. The PSSap is a defined contribution scheme.
The liability for defined benefits is recognised in the financial statements of the Australian Government and is settled by the Australian Government in due course. This liability is reported by the Department of Finance and Deregulation as an administered item.
The Court makes employer contributions to the employee superannuation scheme at rates determined by an actuary to be sufficient to meet the current cost to the Government of the superannuation entitlements of the Court's employees. The Court accounts for the contributions as if they were contributions to defined contribution plans. For those staff members who have elected to have contributions made to a scheme of their choice, the Court makes payments of the amount required under Commonwealth legislation.
The liability for superannuation recognised as at 30 June represents outstanding contributions for the final fortnight of the year.
Judges' Pension
Under the Judges' Pension Act 1968, Federal Court Judges are entitled to a non-contributory pension upon retirement after 6 years service. Where entitlements are not available under the Judges Pension Act 1968, entitlements are available under the Superannuation (Productivity Benefit) Act 1988. As the liability for these pension payments is assumed by the Australian Government, the Court has not recognised a liability for unfunded superannuation liability. The Court does, however, recognise an expense and a corresponding revenue item, "Liabilities assumed by other agencies", in respect of the notional amount of the employer contributions to Judges' pensions for the reporting period amounting to $9,754,417 (2009-10: $9,394,987). The contribution rate has been provided by the Australian Government Actuary.
1.9 Leases
A distinction is made between finance leases and operating leases. Finance leases effectively transfer from the lessor to the lessee substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of leased non-current assets. An operating lease is a lease that is not a finance lease. In operating leases, the lessor effectively retains substantially all such risks and benefits.
Where a non-current asset is acquired by means of a finance lease, the asset is capitalised at either the fair value of the lease property or, if lower, the present value of minimum lease payments at the inception of the contract and a liability recognised at the same time and for the same amount.
The discount rate used is the interest rate implicit in the lease. Leased assets are amortised over the period of the lease. Lease payments are allocated between the principal component and the interest expense.
Operating lease payments are expensed on a straight line basis which is representative of the pattern of benefits derived from the leased assets.
1.10 Cash
Cash means notes and coins held and any deposits in bank accounts with an original maturity of 3 months or less that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to insignificant risk of changes in value. Cash is recognised at its nominal amount.
1.11 Financial Assets
Loans and receivables
Trade receivables, loans and other receivables that have fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market are classified as 'loans and receivables'. They are included in current assets, except for maturities greater than 12 months after the balance sheet date. These are classified as non-current assets. The Court does not have any loans at the balance sheet date.
Impairment of financial assets
Financial assets are assessed for impairment at each balance date.
- Financial assets held at nominal cost - If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred for receivables, the carrying amount is reduced by way of an allowance account. The loss is recognised in the income statement.
1.12 Financial Liabilities
Supplier and other payables
Supplier and other payables are recognised at nominal cost. Liabilities are recognised to the extent that the goods or services have been received, irrespective of having been invoiced.
1.13 Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
Contingent liabilities and contingent assets are not recognised in the balance sheet but are reported in the relevant schedules and notes. They may arise from uncertainty as to the existence of a liability or asset or represent an asset or liability in respect of which the amount cannot be reliably measured. Contingent assets are disclosed when settlement is probable but not virtually certain and contingent liabilities are disclosed when settlement is greater than remote.
1.14 Acquisition of assets
Assets are recorded at cost on acquisition except as stated below. The cost of acquisition includes the fair value of assets transferred in exchange and liabilities undertaken. Financial assets are initially measured at their fair value plus transaction costs where appropriate.
Assets acquired at no cost, or for nominal consideration, are initially recognised as assets and revenues at their fair value at the date of acquisition.
1.15 Property, Plant and Equipment
Asset Recognition Threshold
Purchases of property, plant and equipment are recognised initially at cost in the Balance Sheet, except for purchases of:
- assets other than information technology equipment costing less than $2,000; and
- information technology equipment costing less than $1,500;
which are expensed in the year of acquisition other than where they form part of a group of similar items, which are significant in total.
Fair values for each class of asset are determined as shown below:
Asset class | Fair value measured at: |
Buildings | Market appraisal |
Leasehold improvements | Depreciated replacement cost |
Plant & Equipment | Market appraisal |
Following initial recognition at cost, buildings, infrastructure, plant and equipment are carried at fair value less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses. Valuations are conducted with sufficient frequency to ensure that the carrying amounts of assets do not differ materially from the assets' fair values as at the reporting date. The regularity of independent valuations depends upon the volatility of movements in market values for the relevant assets.
Revaluation adjustments are made on a class basis. Any revaluation increment is credited to equity under the asset revaluation reserve except to the extent that it reverses a previous revaluation decrement of the same asset class previously recognised in the surplus / (deficit). Revaluation decrements for a class of assets are recognised directly through the Income Statement except to the extent that they reverse a previous revaluation increment for that class.
Any accumulated depreciation as at the valuation date is eliminated against the gross carrying amount of the asset and the asset restated to the revalued amount.
Depreciable property plant and equipment assets are written-off to their estimated residual values over their estimated useful lives to the Court using, in all cases, the straight-line method of depreciation. Leasehold improvements are depreciated over the lesser of the estimated useful life of the improvements or the unexpired period of the lease.
Depreciation rates (useful lives), residual values and methods are reviewed at each reporting date and necessary adjustments are recognised in the current, or current and future reporting periods, as appropriate.
Depreciation and amortisation rates for each class of depreciable asset are based on the following useful lives:
2011 | 2010 | |
Leasehold improvements | 10 years or Lease term | 10 years or Lease term |
Plant and equipment - excluding library materials | 3 to 25 years | 3 to 10 years |
Plant and equipment - library materials | 5 to 40 years | 5 to 40 years |
All assets are assessed for impairment at 30 June. Where indications of impairment exist, the asset's recoverable amount is estimated and an adjustment made if the asset's recoverable amount is less that its carrying amount.
The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. Value in use is the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. Where the future economic benefit of an asset is not primarily dependent on the asset's ability to generate future cash flows, and the asset would be replaced if the Court were deprived of the asset, its value in use is taken to be its depreciated replacement cost.
An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal.
1.16 Intangibles
The Court's intangibles comprise externally and internally developed software for internal use. These assets are carried at cost less accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment loss.
Software is amortised on a straight line basis over its anticipated useful life of 5 years (2009-10: 5 years).
All software assets were assessed for indications of impairment at 30 June 2011.
1.17 Taxation
The Court is exempt from all forms of taxation except fringe benefits tax (FBT) and goods and services tax (GST).
Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of GST except:
- where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australia Taxation Office; and
- for receivables and payables.
1.18 Other expenses - payments to FMC
The Court made a contribution of $2.561m (2010: $6.869m) to the Federal Magistrates Court. The contribution reflects the funding that was reallocated from the FMC to the Court, from 1 January 2010, in accordance with the proposed Federal Courts restructure, as announced in the 2009-10 Federal Budget.
The restructure has been delayed and the funding provided to the Court was invoiced back by the Federal Magistrates Court until 31 December 2010. From that date, the appropriation has been reallocated to the FMC. $2.561m was transferred to the Federal Magistrates Court for the period 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011. Refer to Note 1.5 Revenue from Government.
For the period 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011, the Court provided $8.760m worth of resources free of charge to the Federal Magistrates Court.
1.19 Reporting of Administered Activities
Administered revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities and cash flows are disclosed in the Schedule of Administered Items and related Notes.
Except where stated below, administered items are accounted for on the same basis and using the same policies as the Court, including the application of Australian Accounting Standards.
Administered Cash Transfers to and from Official Public Account
Revenue collected by the Court for use by the Government rather than the Court is administered revenue. Collections are transferred to the Official Public Account maintained by the Department of Finance and Deregulation. Conversely, cash is drawn from the OPA to make payments under Parliamentary appropriation on behalf of Government. These transfers to and from the OPA are adjustments to the administered cash held by the Court on behalf of the Government and reported as Administered Cash Flows in the Schedule of Administered Items and in the Administered Reconciliation Table in Note 17: Administered Reconciliation Table. Thus, the Schedule of Administered Items reflects the Government's transactions, through the Court, with parties outside the Government.
All administered revenues are revenues relating to the course of ordinary activities performed by the Court on behalf of the Australian Government.
Fees are charged for services provided by the Court to litigants under the Federal Court Regulations.
Revenue from fees is recognised at the time the services are performed. The services are performed at the same time as, or within two days of, the fees becoming due and payable. It is recognised at its nominal amount due less any provision for bad or doubtful debts. Debts are reviewed at balance date. Provisions are made when collection of the debt is judged to be less rather than more likely. Revenue from fines is recognised in the period in which the invoice for the fine is raised.
Note 2: Expenses
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Note 2A: Judge and Employee benefits | ||
Judge remuneration | 17,665 | 17,396 |
Judge notional superannuation | 9,755 | 9,395 |
27,420 | 26,791 | |
Employee wages & salaries | 27,256 | 26,986 |
Employee superannuation | 3,721 | 3,799 |
Employee separation and redundancies | 433 | 1,230 |
31,410 | 32,015 | |
Total judge and employee benefits | 58,830 | 58,806 |
Note 2B: Suppliers | ||
Goods and Services | ||
Property operating costs | 7,050 | 7,351 |
Library purchases | 2,729 | 2,491 |
Information technology expenditure | 2,951 | 3,123 |
Travel expenditure | 3,076 | 2,715 |
Contractors and consultants | 1,554 | 1,635 |
Other goods and services | 3,003 | 3,107 |
Total goods and services | 20,363 | 20,422 |
Goods and services are made up of: | ||
Provision of goods - external parties | 1,965 | 1,913 |
Rendering of services - related entities | 1,374 | 1,459 |
Rendering of services - external parties | 17,024 | 17,050 |
Total goods and services | 20,363 | 20,422 |
Other supplier expenses | ||
Operating lease rentals: | ||
Minimum Lease Payments | 24,646 | 24,886 |
Workers compensation premiums | 212 | 156 |
Total other supplier expenses | 24,858 | 25,042 |
Total supplier expenses | 45,221 | 45,464 |
Note 2C: Depreciation and Amortisation | ||
Depreciation: | ||
Buildings | 1,497 | 1,057 |
Property, plant and equipment 1 | 900 | 1,002 |
Total depreciation | 2,397 | 2,059 |
Amortisation: | ||
Intangibles: | ||
Computer Software | 322 | 137 |
Leased plant and equipment | 126 | 149 |
Total amortisation | 448 | 286 |
Total depreciation and amortisation | 2,845 | 2,345 |
1 Depreciation expenses for finance leases were included in the line 'Leased plant and equipment' above. The Court has equipment under finance lease arrangements worth $719,835 (2010: $71,024). | ||
Note 2D: Finance costs | ||
Finance leases | 18 | 13 |
Total finance costs | 18 | 13 |
Note 2E: Write-down and impairment of assets | ||
Non-financial assets | ||
Impairment of plant & equipment | 5,113 | 13 |
Total write-down and impairment of assets | 5,113 | 13 |
Note 2F: Sale of Assets | ||
Infrastructure, plant and equipment: | ||
Proceeds from sale | 18 | 3 |
Carrying value of assets sold | 21 | - |
Net gain(loss) from sale of assets | (3) | 3 |
Note 2G: Other payments to FMC | ||
Other | 387 | 735 |
Total other payments to FMC | 387 | 735 |
Note 2H: Contribution to FMC | ||
Contribution to FMC | 2,561 | 6,869 |
Total contribution to FMC | 2,561 | 6,869 |
This contribution relates to appropriation that was given to the Federal Court of Australia on the assumption that the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia would cease operation as a prescribed agency from 1 January 2010. However, as this did not happen, the funding received by the Federal Court has been contributed back to the Federal Magistrates Court until 31 December 2010. From this date, the appropriation has been returned to the Federal Magistrates Court. See Note 1.5 Revenue from Government for further information.
Note 3: Income
Own-Source Revenue
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Note 3A: Sale of goods and rendering of services | ||
Rendering of services - related entities | 1,216 | 1,934 |
Rendering of services - external entities | 1,316 | 725 |
Total sale of goods and rendering of services | 2,532 | 2,659 |
Note 3B: Other revenue - FMC | ||
Other FMC | - | 8,721 |
Total other revenue - FMC | - | 8,721 |
Gains | ||
Note 3C: Other gains | ||
Liabilities assumed by other agencies | 9,755 | 9,395 |
Resources received free of charge | 5,999 | 6,299 |
15,754 | 15,694 | |
Revenue From Government | ||
Note 3D: Revenue from Government | ||
Appropriation: | ||
Departmental outputs | 88,325 | 88,410 |
Total revenue from Government | 88,325 | 88,410 |
Resources received free of charge includes an amount of $5,547,582 (2009-10: $5,547,582) in respect of rent and outgoings associated with the accommodation occupied by the Court in the Law Courts Building located in Sydney, New South Wales. This building is owned by Law Courts Limited, a joint venture between the NSW State and Commonwealth Governments.
Note 4: Financial Assets
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Note 4A: Cash and cash equivalents | ||
Cash on hand or on deposit | 810 | 587 |
Total cash and cash equivalents | 810 | 587 |
2,532 | 2,659 | |
Note 4B: Trade and other receivables | ||
Goods and services - external parties | 385 | 186 |
Appropriations receivable: | ||
for existing outputs - operating | 26,160 | 28,736 |
for existing outputs - capital | 2,411 | |
accrued appropriations | 221 | 3,743 |
GST receivable from the Australian Taxation Office | 414 | 1,026 |
Total trade and other receivables (gross) | 29,591 | 33,691 |
Less impairment allowance account | ||
Goods and Services | - | - |
Total trade and other receivables (net) | 29,591 | 33,691 |
Receivables are aged as follows: | ||
Not overdue | ||
Overdue by: | 29,463 | 33,657 |
Less than 30 days | 73 | 4 |
30 to 60 days | 39 | 3 |
61 to 90 days | 4 | - |
More than 90 days | 12 | 27 |
128 | 34 | |
Total receivables (gross) | 29,591 | 33,691 |
All receivables are current. Credit terms are net 30 days (2010: 30 days). | ||
Reconciliation of the impairment allowance account: | ||
Opening balance | - | - |
Amounts written off | - | - |
Increase/decrease recognised in net surplus | - | - |
Closing balance | - | - |
Note 5: Non-Financial Assets
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Note 5A: Land and buildings | ||
Leasehold improvements | ||
Fair value | 12,594 | 14,937 |
Accumulated depreciation | (321) | (3,427) |
Total leasehold improvements | 12,273 | 11,510 |
Total land and buildings (non-current) | 12,273 | 11,510 |
No indications of impairment were found for land and buildings | ||
Note 5B: Infrastructure, plant and equipment | ||
Infrastructure, plant and equipment | ||
Fair value | 6,801 | 13,956 |
Accumulated depreciation | (956) | (4,630) |
Total infrastructure, plant and equipment | 5,845 | 9,326 |
Total infrastructure, plant and equipment (non-current) | 5,845 | 9,326 |
All revaluations are conducted in accordance with the valuation policy stated in Note 1. In 2010-11, formal valuations were conducted by an independent valuer, the Australian Valuation Office.
No indications of impairment were found for infrastructure, plant and equipment.
Note 5C: Intangible Assets
Computer software at cost | ||
| 442 | 170 |
| 1,301 | 1,291 |
| 2,085 | 2,121 |
Total Computer Software | 3,828 | 3,582 |
| (2,232) | (1,961) |
Total intangibles (non-current) | 1,596 | 1,621 |
No indication of impairment was found for intangibles.
Note 5D: Analysis of infrastructure, property, plant, and equipment
TABLE A - Reconciliation of the opening and closing balances of property, plant, and equipment (2010-11)
Item | Leasehold improvement - Total land and buildings $'000 | Infrastructure, plant and equipment $'000 | Computer Software - Intangibles $'000 | Total $'000 |
AS AT 1 JULY 2010 | ||||
Gross book value | 14,937 | 13,956 | 3,582 | 32,475 |
Accumulated depreciation/amortisation | (3,427) | (4,630) | (1,961) | (10,018) |
Net book value 1 July 2010 | 11,510 | 9,326 | 1,621 | 22,457 |
Additions* | 3,135 | 1,494 | 312 | 4,941 |
Revaluations and impairment recognised in other comprehensive income. | 312 | (17) | - | 295 |
Revaluation expense | - | (3,904) | - | (3,904) |
Depreciation/amortisation expense | (1,497) | (1,027) | (321) | (2,845) |
Disposals: | ||||
Other disposals | (1,187) | (27) | (16) | (1,230) |
Net book value 30 June 2011 | 12,273 | 5,845 | 1,596 | 19,714 |
Net book value as of 30 June 2011 represented by: | ||||
Gross book value | 12,594 | 6,801 | 3,828 | 23,223 |
Accumulated depreciation/amortisation | (321) | (956) | (2,232) | (3,509) |
12,273 | 5,845 | 1,596 | 19,714 |
*Disaggregated additions information is disclosed in the Schedule of Asset Additions.
TABLE A - Reconciliation of the opening and closing balances of property, plant, and equipment (2009-10)
Item | Leasehold improvement - Total land and buildings $'000 | Infrastructure, plant and equipment $'000 | Computer Software - Intangibles $'000 | Total $'000 |
As at 1 July 2009 | ||||
Gross book value | 10,449 | 12,837 | 3,358 | 26,644 |
Accumulated depreciation/amortisation | (2,501) | (3,568) | (1,824) | (7,893) |
Net book value 1 July 2009 | 7,948 | 9,269 | 1,534 | 18,751 |
Additions*: | 4,619 | 1,221 | 224 | 6,064 |
Depreciation/amortisation expense | (1,057) | (1,151) | (137) | (2,345) |
Disposals: | ||||
Other disposals | - | (13) | - | (13) |
Net book value 30 June 2010 | 11,510 | 9,326 | 1,621 | 22,457 |
Net book value as of 30 June 2010 represented by: | ||||
Gross book value | 14,937 | 13,956 | 3,582 | 32,475 |
Accumulated depreciation/amortisation | (3,427) | (4,630) | (1,961) | (10,018) |
11,510 | 9,326 | 1,621 | 22,457 |
* Disaggregated additions information is disclosed in the Schedule of Asset Additions.
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Note 5E: Other non-financial assets | ||
Prepayments | 1,825 | 1,679 |
Total other non-financial assets | 1,825 | 1,679 |
Total other non-financial assets that are expected to be recovered in: | ||
No more than 12 months | 1,793 | 1,675 |
Total other non-financial assets | 1,793 | 1,675 |
More than 12 months | 32 | 4 |
Total other non-financial assets | 32 | 4 |
No indicators of impairment were found for other non-financial assets
Note 6: Payables
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Note 6A: Suppliers | ||
Trade creditors and accruals | 886 | 5,590 |
Deferred Revenue | 54 | 404 |
Total supplier payables | 940 | 5,994 |
All supplier payables are expected to be settled within 12 months. Settlement is usually made net 30 days. | ||
Note 6B: Other Payables | ||
Salaries and wages | 606 | 585 |
Superannuation | 309 | 281 |
Separations and redundancies | - | 164 |
Total other payables | 915 | 1,030 |
All other payments are expected to be settled within 12 months.
Note 7: Interest Bearing Liabilities
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Note 7: Leases | ||
Finance leases | 735 | 83 |
Total finance leases | 735 | 83 |
Payable: | ||
Within one year: | ||
Minimum lease payments | 231 | 78 |
Deduct: future finance charges | (45) | (4) |
In one to five years: | ||
Minimum lease payments | 606 | 9 |
Deduct: future finance charges | (57) | - |
Finance leases recognised on the balance sheet | 735 | 83 |
Finance leases are for certain major IT equipment assets and some office equipment. The leases are non-cancellable and for fixed terms averaging three years, with a maximum of five years. The interest rate implicit in the leases averaged 5.14% (2010: 6.40%). The leased assets secure the lease liabilities. The Court guarantees the residual values of all assets leased. There are no contingent rentals.
Note 8: Provisions
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Note 8A: Judge & Employee provisions | ||
Long Leave (Judges) | 9,425 | 10,096 |
Leave | 6,380 | 6,200 |
Total judge and employee provisions | 15,805 | 16,296 |
Employee provisions are expected to be settled in: | ||
No more than 12 months | 4,055 | 4,006 |
More than 12 months | 11,750 | 12,290 |
Total judge and employee provisions | 15,805 | 16,296 |
Note 9: Cash flow reconciliation
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents as per Balance Sheet to Cash Flow Statement Report cash and cash equivalents as per: | ||
Cash Flow Statement | 810 | 587 |
Balance Sheet | 810 | 587 |
Difference | - | - |
Reconciliation of net cost of services to net cash from operating activities: | ||
Net cost of services | (96,692) | (87,168) |
Add revenue from Government | 88,325 | 88,410 |
Adjustments for non-cash items | ||
Depreciation/amortisation | 2,845 | 2,345 |
Net write down of non-financial assets | 5,113 | 13 |
(Gain)/Loss on disposal of assets | 3 | (3) |
Changes in assets/liabilities | ||
(Increase)/decrease in net operating receivables | 6,511 | (1,334) |
(Increase)/decrease in prepayments | (146) | (273) |
Increase/(decrease) in suppliers payables | (5,054) | 4,009 |
Increase/(decrease) in judge and employee provisions | (491) | 421 |
Increase/(decrease) in other liabilities | (115) | (159) |
Net cash from/(used by) operating activities | 299 | 6,261 |
Note 10: Senior Executive Remuneration
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Note 10A: Senior Executive Remuneration expense for the reporting period | ||
Short-term employee benefits: | ||
Salary (including annual leave taken) | 2,408,600 | 2,064,557 |
Annual Leave accrued | 174,061 | 154,976 |
Motor Vehicle and other allowances | 104,702 | 116,818 |
Total Short-term employee benefits | 2,687,363 | 2,336,351 |
Long Term Benefits: | ||
Superannuation (post-employment benefits) | 318,259 | 257,938 |
Long Service leave | 56,010 | 49,868 |
Termination benefits | - | 126,091 |
Total | 3,061,632 | 2,770,248 |
Note 10B: Average Annual Remuneration Packages and Bonus Paid for Substantive Senior Executives as at the end of the Reporting Period
as at 30 June 2011 | as at 30 June 2010 | |||||||
Fixed elements | Fixed elements | |||||||
Fixed Elements and Bonus Paid1 | No of Senior Executives | Salary $ | Allowances $ | Total $ | No of Senior Executives | Salary $ | Allowances $ | Total $ |
Total remuneration (including part-time arrangements): | ||||||||
$180,000 to $209,999 | 3 | $166,957 | $22,000 | $188,957 | 3 | $169,213 | $22,000 | $191,213 |
$210,000 to $239,999 | 4 | $207,297 | $22,000 | $229,297 | 5 | $211,355 | $22,000 | $233,355 |
$240,000 to $269,999 | 3 | $228,671 | $22,000 | $250,671 | 1 | $230,845 | $22,000 | $252,845 |
$270,000 to $299,999 | - | - | - | - | 1 | $225,890 | $58,573 | $284,463 |
$300,000 to $329,999 | 1 | $267,910 | $57,832 | $325,742 | - | - | - | - |
Total | 11 | 10 |
1 This table reports substantive senior executives who were employed by the Court at the end of the reporting period. Fixed elements were based on the employment agreement of each individual. Each row represents an average annualised figure (based on headcount) for the individuals in that remuneration package band (ie the "Total" column.)
2 No bonuses were paid to senior executives of the Court in 2010-11 or 2009-10.
Variable elements
With the exception of bonuses, variable elements were not included in the 'Fixed elements and Bonus Paid' table above. The following variable elements were available as part of senior executives' remuneration package:
(a) On average senior executives were entitled to the following leave entitlements:
- Annual Leave (AL): entitled to 20 days (2010: 20 days ) each full year worked (pro-rata for part-time SES):
- Personal Leave (PL): entitled to 18 days (2010: 18 days) or part-time equivalent; and
- Long Service Leave (LSL): in accordance with Long Service Leave (Commonwealth Employees) Act 1976.
(b) Senior executives were members of one of the following superannuation funds:
- Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS): this scheme is closed to new members, and employer contributions were averaged 13.6 percent (2010 16.2 per cent) including productivity component. More information on CSS can be found at
- Public Sector Superannuation Scheme (PSS): this scheme is closed to new members, and current employer contributions were set at 11.9 per cent (2010: 12.7 per cent) (including productivity component). More information on the PSS can be found at
(c) Various salary sacrifice arrangements were available to senior executives including super, motor vehicle and expense payment fringe benefits.
Note 10c: Other Highly paid Staff
During the reporting period, there were no employees whose salary plus performance bonus were $150,000 or more.
Note 11: Remuneration of Auditors
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Financial statement audit services are provided free of charge to the Court. | ||
The fair value of the services provided was: | 108,000 | 105,000 |
No other services were provided by the Auditor-General. |
Note 12: Financial Instruments
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Note 12A: Categories of financial instruments | ||
Loans and receivables | ||
Loans and receivables | ||
Cash on hand or on deposit | 810 | 587 |
Trade receivables | 385 | 186 |
Carrying amount of financial assets | 1,195 | 773 |
Financial liabilities | ||
At amortised cost: | ||
Finance leases | 735 | 83 |
Trade creditors | 940 | 5,994 |
Carrying amount of financial liabilities | 1,675 | 6,077 |
Note 12B: Fair value of financial instruments
Carrying amount 2011 $'000 | Fair value 2011 $'000 | Carrying amount 2010 $000 | Fair value 2010 $'000 | |
Other Liabilities | ||||
Finance leases | 735 | 735 | 83 | 83 |
Total | 735 | 735 | 83 | 83 |
Fair value for Finance leases which was determined for disclosure purposes was calculated based on the present value of future principal and interest cash flows, discounted at 5.14% at the reporting date.
Note 12C: Credit Risk
The Court is exposed to minimal credit risk as loans and receivables are cash and trade receivables. The maximum exposure to credit risk is the risk that arises from potential default of a debtor. This amount is equal to the total amount of trade receivables (2011: $385,394 and 2010: $186,106). The Court has assessed the risk of default on payment and has allocated nil in 2011 (2010: nil) to an allowance for doubtful debts account.
The Court manages its credit risk by undertaking background and credit checks prior to allowing a debtor relationship. In addition, the Court has policies and procedures that are to be applied by employees who perform debt recovery duties.
The Court holds no collateral to mitigate credit risk.
Credit quality of financial instruments not past due or individually determined as impaired
Not Past Due Nor Impaired 2011 $'000 | Not Past Due Nor Impaired 2010 $'000 | Past due or impaired 2011 $'000 | Past due or impaired 2010 $'000 | |
Loans and receivables | ||||
Cash | 810 | 587 | - | - |
Trade receivables | 257 | 152 | 128 | 34 |
Total | 1,067 | 739 | 128 | 34 |
Ageing of financial assets that are past due but not impaired for 2011
0 to 30 days $'000 | 31 to 60 days $'000 | 61 to 90 days $'000 | 90+ days $'000 | Total $'000 | |
Loans and receivables | |||||
Trade receivables | 73 | 39 | 4 | 12 | 128 |
Total | - | - | - | - | 128 |
Ageing of financial assets that are past due but not impaired for 2010
0 to 30 days $'000 | 31 to 60 days $'000 | 61 to 90 days $'000 | 90+ days $'000 | Total $'000 | |
Loans and receivables | |||||
Trade receivables | 4 | 3 | - | 27 | 34 |
Total | 4 | 3 | - | 27 | 34 |
Note 12D: Liquidity Risk
The Court's financial liabilities are payables, loans from government, finance leases and other interest bearing liabilities. The exposure to liquidity risk is based on the notion that the Court will encounter difficulty in meeting its obligations associated with financial liabilities. This is highly unlikely due to appropriation funding and mechanisms available to the Court and internal policies and procedures put in place to ensure there are appropriate resources to meet its financial obligations.
Maturities for non-derivative financial liabilities 2011
Within 1 year 2011 $'000 | 1 to 5 years 2011 $'000 | Total 2011 $'000 | |
Other liabilities | |||
Payables - Suppliers | 940 | - | 940 |
Finance leases | 186 | 549 | 735 |
Total | 1,126 | 549 | 1,675 |
Maturities for non-derivative financial liabilities 2010
Within 1 year 2010 $'000 | 1 to 5 years 2010 $'000 | Total 2010 $'000 | |
Other liabilities | |||
Payables - Suppliers | 5,994 | - | 5,994 |
Finance leases | 74 | 9 | 83 |
Total | 6,068 | 9 | 6,077 |
The Court is appropriated funding from the Australian Government. The Court manages its budgeted funds to ensure it has adequate funds to meet payments as they fall due.
This note also applies to the Court's administered financial instruments and is therefore not reproduced at Note 17.
Note 12E: Market risk
The Court holds basic financial instruments that do not expose the Agency to certain market risks.
The Court is not exposed to currency risk or other price risk.
Interest Rate Risk
The only interest-bearing item on the balance sheet is the 'Finance lease'. All bear interest at a fixed interest rate and will not fluctuate due to changes in the market interest rate.
Note 13: Income Administered on Behalf of Government
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Non-Taxation Revenue | ||
Fees (filing and hearing fees) | 10,514 | 6,961 |
Fines | 2,032 | 785 |
Other | 43 | 145 |
Total revenue administered on behalf of government | 12,589 | 7,891 |
Note 14: Expenses Administered on Behalf of Government
2011 | 2010 | |
Expenses | ||
Fees and fines - provision for doubtful debts | 98 | 22 |
Total expenses administered on behalf of government | 98 | 22 |
Note 15: Assets Administered on Behalf of Government
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Financial Assets | ||
Note 15A: Cash and cash equivalents | ||
Cash on hand or on deposit | 23 | 40 |
Total cash and cash equivalents | 23 | 40 |
Note 15B: Receivables | ||
Fees (filing and hearing fees) | 901 | 391 |
Less: Impairment allowance account | (98) | (22) |
Total receivables (net) | 803 | 369 |
All receivables are expected to be recovered within 12 months. | ||
Receivables are aged as follows: | ||
Not overdue | 247 | 111 |
Overdue by: | ||
- Less than 30 days | 211 | 80 |
- 30 to 60 days | 88 | 57 |
- 60 to 90 days | 38 | 19 |
- More than 90 days | 317 | 124 |
Total receivables (gross) | 901 | 391 |
The total of the impairment allowance is aged over 90 days.
Receivables are with entities external to the Australian Government. Credit terms are net 30 days (2010: 30 days).
Reconciliation of the impairment allowance accounts:
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Opening balance | 22 | 59 |
Increase/decrease recognised in net surplus | 98 | 22 |
Amounts written off | (22) | (59) |
Amounts recovered and reversed | - | - |
Closing balance | 98 | 22 |
Note 16: Liabilities administered on behalf of Government
2011 | 2010 | |
Note 16A: Suppliers | ||
Refund of fees payable | 1 | - |
Total suppliers | 1 | - |
Note 17: Administered Reconciliation Table
2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 | |
Opening administered assets less administered liabilities as at 1 July | 409 | 303 |
Plus: Administered income | 12,589 | 7,891 |
Less: Administered expenses | (98) | (22) |
Administered transfers to/from the Australian Government | ||
Appropriation transfers from OPA | 350 | 265 |
Transfers to OPA | (12,424) | (8,028) |
Closing administered assets less administered liabilities as at 30 June | 826 | 40 |
Note 18: Administered Financial Instruments
2011 | 2010 | |
Note 18A: Categories of financial instruments | ||
Financial Assets | ||
Loans and receivables | ||
Cash | 23 | 40 |
Trade receivables | 901 | 391 |
Carrying amount of financial assets | 924 | 431 |
Note 18B: Credit Risk
The administered activities of the Court are not exposed to a high level of credit risk as the majority of financial assets are receivables. The Court has policies and procedures that guide employees who perform debt recovery functions.
The maximum exposure to credit risk is outlined in the table below.
2011 | 2010 | |
Financial Assets | ||
Loans and Receivables | ||
Receivables | 901 | 391 |
Total | 901 | 391 |
The Court has assessed the risk of default on payment and has allocated the following amounts to an allowance for doubtful debts account:
Receivables $98,310 in 2011 (2010: $22,546)
Credit quality of financial instruments not past due or individually determined as impaired
Not Past Due Nor Impaired 2011 $'000 | Not Past Due Nor Impaired 2010 $'000 | Past due or impaired 2011 $'000 | Past due or impaired 2010 $'000 | |
Loans and receivables | ||||
Cash | 23 | 40 | - | |
Trade receivables | 247 | 111 | 654 | 280 |
Total | 270 | 151 | 654 | 280 |
Ageing of financial assets that are past due but not impaired for 2011
0 to 30 days $'000 | 31 to 60 days $'000 | 61 to 90 days $'000 | 90+ days $'000 | Total $'000 | |
Loans and receivables | |||||
Receivables | 211 | 88 | 38 | 317 | 654 |
Total | 211 | 88 | 38 | 317 | 654 |
Ageing of financial assets that are past due but not impaired for 2010
0 to 30 days $'000 | 31 to 60 days $'000 | 61 to 90 days $'000 | 90+ days $'000 | Total $'000 | |
Loans and receivables | |||||
Receivables | 80 | 57 | 19 | 102 | 258 |
Total | 80 | 57 | 19 | 102 | 258 |
Note 19: Appropriations
Table A: Annual Appropriations ('Recoverable GST exclusive')
2010-11 Appropriations | Appropriation applied in 2011 (current and prior years) $'000 | Variance $'000 | |||||
Appropriation ACT | FMA Act | Total appropriation $'000 | |||||
Annual Appropriation | Appropriations reduced (A) | Section 30 $'000 | Section 31 $'000 | ||||
Ordinary Annual Services | 99,800 | (1,707) | 26 | 1,812 | 99,931 | (101,782) | (1,851) |
Other Services | |||||||
Equity | 360 | - | - | - | 360 | (272) | 88 |
Total departmental | 100,160 | (1,707) | 26 | 1,812 | 100,291 | (102,054) | (1,763) |
(a) Appropriations reduced under Appropriation Act (No 1) 2010-11: section 10. Departmental appropriations do not lapse at year end. However, the responsible minister may decide that part or all of an appropriation is not required and request that the Finance Minister reduce that appropriation. The reduction in the appropriation is effected by the Finance Minister's determination and is disallowable by Parliament. In 2011 there was a reduction in departmental appropriation in accordance with a determination by the Finance Minister.
2010-11 Appropriations | Appropriation applied in 2011 (current and prior years) $'000 | Variance $'000 | |||||
Appropriation ACT | FMA Act | Total appropriation $'000 | |||||
Annual Appropriation | Appropriations reduced (A) | Section 30 $'000 | Section 31 $'000 | ||||
Ordinary Annual Services | 84,667 | (1,047) | 44 | 6,590 | 90,254 | (91,371) | (1,117) |
Other Services | |||||||
Equity | - | - | - | - | (2,154) | (2,154) | |
Total departmental | 84,667 | (1,047) | 44 | 6,590 | 90,254 | (93,525) | (3,271) |
(a) Appropriations reduced under Appropriation Act (No 1) 2006-07: section 9 ($349,000), Appropriation Act (No 1) 2007-08: section 9 ($350,000) and Appropriation Act (No 1) 2008-09: section 10 ($348,000). Departmental appropriations do not lapse at year end. However, the responsible minister may decide that part or all of an appropriation is not required and request that the Finance Minister reduce that appropriation. The reduction in the appropriation is effected by the Finance Minister's determination and is disallowable by Parliament. In 2010 there was a reduction in departmental appropriation in accordance with a determination by the Finance Minister.
(b) The amount of appropriation applied against equity is from amounts appropriated to the Court in previous financial years.
Table B: Unspent Departmental Annual Appropriations ('Recoverable GST exclusive')
Authority | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 |
Appropriation Act (No 4) 2005-06 | 1 | 1 |
Appropriation Act (No 1) 2009-10 | - | 28,735 |
Appropriation Act (No 1) 2010-11 | 28,482 | - |
Appropriation Act (No 2) 2010-11 | 88 | - |
Total | 28,571 | 28,736 |
Note 20: Special Accounts
The Federal Court has recently become aware that there is an increased risk of non-compliance with Section 83 of the Constitution where payments are made from special accounts in circumstances where the payments do not accord with conditions included in the relevant legislation.
The Court will investigate these circumstances and any impact on its special accounts shown below, seeking legal advice as appropriate.
Other Trust Moneys Account | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 |
Legal Authority: Financial Management and Accountability Act, 1997, section 20 Purpose: for expenditure of moneys temporarily held on trust or otherwise for the benefit of a person other than the Commonwealth. This account is non-interest bearing. | ||
Balance carried from previous period | 19,433 | 69,706 |
Other receipts | 646,073 | 492,749 |
Total credits | 665,506 | 562,455 |
Payments made | 646,690 | 543,022 |
Balance carried to next period | 18,816 | 19,433 |
Represented by: | ||
Cash - held by the Court | 18,816 | 19,433 |
Total | 18,816 | 19,433 |
Services for other Governments & Non-agency bodies | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 |
Legal Authority: Financial Management and Accountability Act, 1997, section 20 Purpose: for expenditure of moneys temporarily held on trust or otherwise for the benefit of a person other than the Commonwealth. This account is non-interest bearing. | ||
Balance carried from previous period | - | 10,398 |
Other receipts | - | - |
Total credits | - | 10,398 |
Payments made | - | 10,398 |
Balance carried to next period | - | - |
Represented by: | ||
Cash - held by the Court | - | - |
Total | - | - |
Federal Court of Australia Litigant's Fund | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 |
Legal Authority: Financial Management and Accountability Act, 1997, section 20Purpose: to hold private moneys for litigants pending acceptance of moneys paid into Court by litigants; security for costs or pursuant to an order of a Federal Court Judge. This account is non-interest bearing. | ||
Balance carried from previous period | 29,131,650 | 2,311,920 |
Other receipts | 8,216,865 | 48,054,091 |
Total credits | 37,348,515 | 50,366,011 |
Payments made | 33,023,544 | 21,234,361 |
Balance carried to next period | 4,324,971 | 29,131,650 |
Represented by: | ||
Cash - held by the Court | 4,324,971 | 29,131,650 |
Total | 4,324,971 | 29,131,650 |
Federal Court of Australia Litigant's Fund | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 |
Legal authority: Financial Management and Accountability Act, 1997, section 39 Purpose: to invest private moneys paid by litigants pursuant to an order of a Federal Court Judge, pending an order for payment out by a Federal Court Judge. This account is interest bearing. | ||
Balance carried from previous period | 31,261,736 | 54,958,400 |
Other receipts | 35,567,914 | 26,029,624 |
Total credits | 66,829,650 | 80,988,024 |
Payments made | 41,222,644 | 49,726,288 |
Balance carried to next period | 25,607,006 | 31,261,736 |
Represented by: | ||
Cash - held by the Court | 25,607,006 | 31,261,736 |
Total | 25,607,006 | 31,261,736 |
Note 21: Compensation and Debt Relief
2011 | 2010 | |
No Act of Grace expenses were incurred during the reporting period under sub-section 33(1) of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997. (2009 No Act of Grace Expenses) | - | - |
2011 | 2010 | |
Administered | ||
No Act of Grace expenses were incurred during the reporting period under sub-section 33(1) of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997. (2009: No Act of Grace Expenses) | - | - |
No payments were waived during the reporting period under subsection 34(1) of the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997. (2010: No Waivers). | - | - |
1,306 exemptions and waivers of amounts owing to the Commonwealth were made pursuant to sub-regulations 2(4)(a-c), 2A(2)(e-g), 2AA(2)(f-h) of the Federal Court of Australia Regulations 2004. (2010: 2,302) | 1,819,777 | 2,132,499 |
No payments were made under the 'Defective Administration Scheme' during 2010-11 (2009-10 nil).
Note 22: Reporting of Outcomes
Note 22A: Net Cost of Outcome Delivery
The Court has one Output and Outcome:
To apply and uphold the rule of law to deliver remedies and enforce rights and in so doing, contribute to the social and economic development and well-being of all Australians.
Outcome 1 | ||
Outcome 1 | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 |
Expenses | ||
Administered | 98 | 22 |
Departmental | 114,978 | 114,245 |
Total | 115,076 | 114,267 |
33,023,544 | 21,234,361 | |
Income from non-government sector | 4,324,971 | 29,131,650 |
Administered | 12,589 | 7,891 |
Departmental | 1,316 | 725 |
Total | 13,905 | 8,616 |
Other own-source income | ||
Administered | - | - |
Departmental | 1,216 | 10,655 |
Total | 1,216 | 10,655 |
Net cost/(contribution) of outcome delivery | 100,004 | 94,996 |
Note 22B: Major Classes of Departmental Expenses, Income, Assets and Liabilities by Outcome
Outcome 1 | ||
Outcome 1 | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 |
Departmental expenses | ||
Judges and Employees | 58,830 | 58,806 |
Suppliers | 45,221 | 45,464 |
Depreciation and Amortisation | 2,845 | 2,345 |
Finance costs | 18 | 13 |
Other Expenses | 5,116 | 13 |
FMC Transfer | 2,948 | 7,604 |
Total | 114,978 | 114,245 |
Departmental income | ||
Income from government | 104,079 | 104,104 |
Sale of goods and services | 2,532 | 11,383 |
Total | 106,611 | 115,487 |
Departmental assets | ||
Cash and cash equivalents | 810 | 587 |
Trade and other receivables | 29,591 | 33,691 |
Property, plant and equipment | 18,118 | 20,836 |
Intangibles | 1,596 | 1,621 |
Other non-financial assets | 1,825 | 1,679 |
Total | 51,940 | 58,414 |
Departmental liabilities | ||
Suppliers | 940 | 5,994 |
Leases | 735 | 83 |
Judge and employee provisions | 15,805 | 16,296 |
Other payables | 915 | 1,030 |
Total | 18,395 | 23,403 |
Note 22C: Major Classes of Administered Expenses, Income, Assets and Liabilities by Outcome
Outcome 1 | ||
Outcome 1 | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 |
Administered expenses Doubtful debts expense | 98 | 22 |
Total | 98 | 22 |
Administered income | ||
Non-taxation revenue | 12,589 | 7,891 |
Total | 12,589 | 7,891 |
Administered assets | ||
Cash and cash equivalents | 23 | 40 |
Trade and other receivables | 803 | 369 |
Total | 826 | 409 |
Administered liabilities | ||
Refund of fees payable | 1 | - |
Total | 1 | - |
Note 23: Comprehensive Income (Loss) attributable to the Court
Total Comprehensive Income attributable to the Court | 2011 $'000 | 2010 $'000 |
Total comprehensive income (loss) | (8,072) | 1,242 |
Plus non-appropriated expenses | ||
Depreciation and amortisation expenses | 2,845 | - |
Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to the Court | (5,227) | 1,242 |