Appendix 12: Statement under Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 for the period 1 July 2010 to 30 April 2011
Federal Court of Australia Annual Report 2010-2011
The Court’s policy on the selection and engagement of all contractors is based on the Australian Government’s procurement policy framework as expressed in the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines (December 2008) and associated Finance Circulars and guidance documentation published by the Department of Finance and Deregulation.
The main function for which consultants were engaged related to the delivery of specialist and expert services, primarily in connection with the Court’s information technology (IT) infrastructure, finance and business elements of the Court’s corporate services delivery.
Table 11.1 below lists all consultancy contracts let during 2010-11 with a value of $10 000 or more, and provides details for each individual consultancy including the total value over the life of the contract.
Table 11.1 - Consultancy Services Contracts let during 2010-11
Consultant Name | Description | Contract Price $ |
Selection Process (1) |
Justification (2) |
APMG Australasia Ltd | P3M3 Verification and Assessment Consultancy |
10 345 |
Open Tender |
(C) |
Australian Valuation Office | Provision of Asset Valuation Services |
24 200 |
SelectTender |
(B) |
CSC Australia Pty Ltd | Review of the FCA's WAN Service |
52 110 |
SelectTender |
(B) |
O'Connor Marsden Pty Ltd | Provision of Internal Audit Services |
264 000 |
SelectTender |
(C) |
e-Law | Provision of Project Management Services |
58 698 |
Direct |
(B) |
Loquinar Pty Ltd | Citrix XenApp Upgrade Proposal |
27 844 |
Direct |
(B) |
Deloitte Touche Pty Ltd | Review of Judges' Pension Act |
13 860 |
Direct |
(C) |
Enterprising IT Services Pty Ltd | Document Management System Scoping Review |
11 000 |
Direct |
(C) |
Paul Sestito (Sole Trader) | Review of the FCA Website |
19 873 |
Direct |
(A) |
Stace Management Networks Pty Ltd | Strategic Planning Workshop - July 2011 |
14 475 |
Direct |
(C) |
The Leading Partnership Pty Ltd | FCA Special Planning Meeting |
25 404 |
Direct |
(B) |
Wired Consulting(Australia) Pty Ltd | P3M3 Assessment |
22 770 |
OpenTender |
(C) |
Total |
$544 579 |
1. Explanation of selection process terms drawn from the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines (January 2005):
Open Tender: A procurement procedure in which a request for tender is published inviting all businesses that satisfy the conditions for participation to submit tenders. Public tenders are sought from the marketplace using national and major metropolitan newspaper advertising and the Australian Government AusTender internet site.
Direct Sourcing: refers to a procurement process, in which an agency may invite a potential supplier or suppliers of choice to make submissions under defined circumstances.
Select Tender: A procurement procedure in which the procuring agency selects which potential suppliers are invited to submit tenders. Tenders are invited from a short list of competent suppliers.
2. Justification for decision to use consultancy:
(A) Skills currently unavailable within the agency.
(B) Need for specialised or professional skills.
(C) Need for independent research or assessment.