
Federal Court of Australia Annual Report 2010-2011

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access to judgments 47
access to the court 41-2
acquisition of assets 91
administered items 83-4, 94, 110-11
Administrative Appeals Tribunal 20
Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977: 20
Admiralty Act 1988, matters relating to 21, 140, 154
Admiralty and Maritime Law Seminar 50
Advertising and Marketing Services 59
age of pending workload 27-8
agency resource statement 118
Akiba v State of Queensland (No. 2) 47, 151-3
Allaway, Phillip 121
Anderson, Louise 120
appellate proceedings 130, 145-6
     cross-appeals and cross claims 29, 132
     from Federal Magistrates Court 21
     jurisdiction 28-30
     workload 29
appointments of judges 7
appropriations 112-13
addition schedule 82
administered 109-10
contingent 91
impairment of 91, 93
non-financial 98-101
recognition threshold 92
revaluation of 17
assisted dispute resolution 13-14, 31, 35-41
Attorney-General, see McClelland, Robert
auditors' remuneration 106
auditors' report 72-3
audits 58
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission 147
Australian Competition Tribunal 41, 147-8
Australian Consumer Law 22, 24
Australian Energy Regulator 147
Australian Law Reform Commission Reference on Discovery 42
Australian legal system 41-2
Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001: 21
Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Fortescue Metals Group 162-3
Auvergne matter 32


balance sheet 76
Baldwin, Heather 121
Bankruptcy Act 1966: 21, 136
Barker, Michael Laurence 6-7, 184
basis of preparation of the financial statements 86-7
Belcher, Murray 121
Bennett, Annabelle Claire 4, 8, 157-8, 178
Besanko, Anthony James 5
Blades, David 121
Bochner, Katrina 122
Brisbane buildings 66
Bromberg, Mordecai 6, 49, 51
Buchanan, Robert John 5
Burns, Rupert 121


Caporale, Daniel 121
case management 20-41, 68, 127
cash flow reconciliation 103
cash flow statement 78
cash on hand 91
categories of documents 190-1
causes of action 128-9
changes in Australian accounting standards 87
changes in equity, statement of 77
chief finance officer, statement by 74
Chief Justice, powers and responsibilities 56, 
 see also Keane, Patrick Anthony
China, Supreme People's Court 51
Christie, Patricia 14, 122
Civil Dispute Resolution Act 2011: 24
Collier, Berna Joan 5, 7, 159, 180-1
Comcare v Commonwealth of Australia 159
Commissioner of Taxation v Cooperative Bulk Handling Ltd 160
Commissioner of Taxation v Secretary to the Department of Transport (Victoria) 155
commitments schedule 79-80
community relations 48
compensation 115
Competition and Consumer Act 2010: 20, 147, 169-71
competitive tendering and contracting 59
complaints handling 50
compliance index 192-5
comprehensive income schedule 75
consulting services 58-9, 188-9
consumer law matters 138
contact details 202
contingencies schedule 81
contingent assets and liabilities 91
contracts, decisions of interest 161-2, 165
Copyright Act 1968: 149, 157-8, 163-4
Copyright Amendment Act 2006: 149
Copyright Tribunal 41, 149
corporate functions 56-69
Corporations Act 2001: 21, 137, 162-3
court and registry fees 45-6
Cowdroy, Dennis Antill 5
credit risk 107, 111
cross-appeals and cross claims 29, 132
Current Issues in Admiralty 50


Dale v State of Western Australia 167
debt relief 115
decisions of interest 151-73
Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal 41, 150
delivery of judgments 26
depreciation 92-3
derecognition of assets 93
dispute resolution 20-41
distributions to owners 89
district registries 8, 202
Document Management System 68
Dodds-Streeton, Julie Anne 6, 155, 166
Downes, Garry Keith 4
Dowsett, John Alfred 4, 34, 155-7, 176


eCourtroom system 42, 68
Edmonds, Richard Francis 5, 8
eLodgement system 41-2, 65
EMI Songs Australia Pty Ltd v Larrikin Music Publishing Pty Limited 168
Emmett, Arthur Robert 4
activities 175
appointments 7-8, 149
decisions of interest 162-4, 168
employee benefits 89-90
Employers Disability Network 64
Enterprise Agreement 59, 62
environmental management 67
equity, decisions of interest 155-7
eServices strategy 41-2, 68
establishment, overview 2
expenses 95-6, 109
external scrutiny 58


Fair Work Acts 21, 142
Fairfax Media Publications Pty Ltd v Reed International Books Australia Pty Ltd 157-8
Federal Court Regulations 22-3
Federal Court Rules 14-15, 23-4
Federal Court Users Committee 48
Federal Magistrates Court
appellate proceedings from 21, 29, 146
payments to 94
registry services for 16
workload 24-5
Fewings, Christine 121
financial assets 91, 97
financial instruments 106-8
financial liabilities 91
financial management 17, 57
financial statements 70-117
Finkelstein, Raymond Antony 4, 161-3
Finn, Paul Desmond 3, 151-3
Flick, Geoffrey Alan 5
Foster, Lindsay Graeme 6, 8, 148, 183-4
Fraud Control Plan 58
freedom of information 15, 190-1
Freedom of Information Amendment (Reform) Act 2010: 24
functions and powers 2


gains 88
Giudice, Geoffrey Michael 4
glossary 199-201
Goldberg, Alan Henry 7, 182
Gordon, Michelle Marjorie 5, 53
governance 56
Gray, Geoff 120
Gray, Peter Ross Awdry 3
Acting Chief Justice 7
activities 49, 174, 182
Greenwood, Andrew Peter 5, 8, 179-80
Gunaikurnai matters 33


H v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship 158-9
Hannigan, Paddy 120, 122
Hedge, Jennifer 120, 122
Hetyey, Julian 121
Higgins, Terence John 3
human resources 59-65
staffing profile 9, 60-2, 185-7


impairment of assets 91, 93
income 97, 109
Indigenous Clerkship Program 49
Individual Docket System 25
Indonesian Supreme Court 52
Information Publication Scheme 15, 191
Informax International Pty Ltd v Clarius Group Limited 165
intangibles 93
intellectual property, matters relating to 144, 168
interest bearing liabilities 102
International Commercial Law Conference 50
international law, decisions of interest 151-3
international work 50-3
interpreters 45
Irving, Ian 52, 120


Jacobson, Peter Michael 4, 161-2, 178
Jagot, Jayne Margaret 6, 149
appointments 7-8
decisions of interest 163-4, 168
Jan, Martin 121
Jessup, Christopher Neil 5, 155
John Holland Rail Pty Ltd & Anor v Comcare 166
Josan, Angela 120
Judges 3-6
decisions of interest 151-71
employment benefits 89-90
participation in activities 172-84
pensions 90
Judges' Committees 56
Judges' Meetings 56
Judiciary Act 1903: 20
jurisdiction issues 20-2


Kalkadoon matters 34
Katzmann, Anna Judith 6-7, 184
Kavallaris, Stephanie 120, 122
Keane, Patrick Anthony 3
activities 49, 172-4
addresses and speeches 50
awards presented by 64
decisions of interest 162-3, 169-71
Kenny, Susan Coralie 4, 158-9
activities 176-7
appointments 7
decisions of interest 155, 166
King v Northern Territory 32


Lackenby, Kim 120, 122
Lagos, Sia 52, 121
Lander, Bruce Thomas 4
activities 178-9
appointments 7-8
convenes Rules Revision Committee 14
Lane v Morrison 150
Law Council of Australia 43
Law Courts Limited 65
leases 90
leave entitlements 89, 104
legal education activities 50
legal reform activities 50, 172-84
letter of transmittal 1
Leveraged Equities Ltd v Goodridge and Anor 161-2
liabilities 91, 110
library and information services 53, 69
liquidity risk 108
loans and receivables 91
Logan, John Alexander 5, 7, 182-3
Luxton, Timothy 121
Lynch, Katie 121


management of the court 56-69, 119
Managing Discovery of Documents in Australian Courts 43
Mansfield, John Ronald 4
activities 175
appointments 7
decisions of interest 160, 167, 169-71
market risk 108
Marshall, Shane Redmond 3, 49, 52, 174-5
Mathieson, John 52
matters transferred to or from the court 26
McClelland, Robert 1, 12, 48, 50
McKerracher, Neil Walter 6, 160
media information 47-8
mediations 13-14, 38-41
Melbourne buildings 66
Middleton, John Eric 5, 7, 169-71, 181
migration cases 29-30, 139
Migration Litigation Reform Act 2005: 16
Military Justice (Interim Measures) Act (No. 1) 2009: 150
Montejinni Applications 32, 48
Moore, Michael Francis 3
activities 174
decisions of interest 155-9, 167
work-related travel 52
moot courts and competitions 49
Morgan, Thomas 120, 122
Mullett matter, media access during 48
Murphy, Bernard Michael 6-7


National Broadband Network Companies Act 2011: 22
National Consultative Committee 59
National Excellence Service Award 64
National Native Title Tribunal 21, 31
National Practice Committee 56
National Risk Review 66
Native Title
age of pending workload 28
decisions of interest 151-3, 167
matters relating to 141
review of caseload and priority 12-14
workload 31-4
Native Title Act 1993: 21, 23
Native Title Amendment Act 2009: 12-14
Native Title Practices Committee 12
Ng, Chuan 120, 122
Nicholas, John Victor 6, 163-4, 168
non-financial assets 98-101
Norfolk Island Supreme Court 21
North, Anthony Max 3, 166-7
Northern Territory Supreme Court Building 65
notes to the financial statements 85-117


objectives of the Court 2, 86
Occupational Health and Safety Committee 59, 63
officers of the court 9, see also human resources; Registrars
O'Reilly, Niamh 50
Organisational Development team 65
organisational performance 17
outcome and program statement 57
outcome and program structure 3, 116-17
overview of AFC 2-9


Pacific Judicial Development Programme 51
Papua New Guinea 52
payables 101
Pegasus Scholarship Trust 50
performance measures 15-17
performance pay 63
Perpetual Trustee Co Ltd v Smith & Ors 155-7
Perram, Nye 6-7, 165, 183
Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd v ACCC 169-71
Policy and Planning Committee 56
powers of the court 2
practice and procedure 42, 166, 169
Practice Notes 24
Principal Registry 8, 202
Pringle, David 121
priority cases, Native Title 12-13
Private Automatic Branch Exchanges 67
pro bono scheme 49
program structure 3
property, plant and equipment 92
property management 65-6
provisions 102
published information 47
purchasing 58


Queens Square buildings 66
Queensland Public Interest Law Clearing House 43


Rares, Steven David 5, 180
Reeves, John Edward 6
Registrars 8, 120-2, see also Soden, Warwick
registries 8-9, 45-6, 56
related actions 29
remission of fees 45-6
remuneration 61, 103-6
reporting of administered activities 94
reporting of outcomes 116-17
requests for information 47
reserved judgments 26
Resolve to Resolve, The 42
resources received free of charge 88
retention strategies 64
retirements of judges 7
revaluations 92
revenue 87-8, 94
reward and recognition 64
Richard Cooper Memorial Lecture 49
Riordan, Catherine 149
risk management 58
Roadshow Films Pty Ltd v iiNet Ltd 163-4
Robertson, Alan 6-7
Rules Revision project 23
Ryan, Donnell Michael 7, 154


Sachs, Albie 53
sale of assets 88
schedule of administered items 83-4
schedule of asset additions 82
schedule of commitments 79-80
schedule of contingencies 81
Scott, Catherine 122
Seafood Imports Pty Ltd v ANL Singapore Pty Ltd 154
security policy 66
Segal, Geoffrey 120, 122
self-represented litigants 43-5
Senior Executive Service 62, 103-5
shipping and navigation 21, 140, 154
Sibly, Hugh 149
significant accounting judgements and estimates 87
Siopis, Antony Nicholas 160
activities 49, 179
appointments 8
decisions of interest 4
Smith, Rhonda 149
Soden, Warwick 8, 52, 74, 120
Soden v Kowalski 169
South Pacific, library services to 53
special accounts 113-15
Spender, Jeffrey Ernest John 7
staffing, see human resources
Stanley, Elizabeth 121
State offices (district registries) 8, 202
statement of changes in equity 77
statement of comprehensive income 75
statutes of the court 123-6
Stone, Margaret Ackary 4
activities 177
decisions of interest 155-7, 161-2, 169
study assistance policy 65
'suitable filings' 36
summary of significant accounting policies 86-94
Sundberg, Ross Alan 7
superannuation entitlements 90, 104
supplementary causes of action 131-2
Supreme and National Court of Justice, Papua New Guinea 52
Supreme Court of Indonesia 52
Supreme Court of Norfolk Island 21
Supreme Courts of the States and Territories 21
Supreme People's Court of Vietnam 52, 174
Supreme People's Court, Republic of China 51


taxation, matters relating to 143, 155, 160
taxation obligations 93
technology services 67
televised judgments 47-8
Tesoriero, Anthony 120, 122
The Resolve to Resolve 42
time goals 16, 25, 134-5
Tracey, Richard Ross Sinclair 5, 158-9, 181
Trade Practices Act 1965: 147, 169-71
Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Act 2010: 22, 24
training and development 65
transactions with the Government as owner 89
transferred matters 26
Trans-Tasman Proceedings Acts 22
tribunals 41, 147-50
Trott, Russell 121


Victoria Registry 49, see also District Registries
Vietnam 52, 174
visitors to the court 53


waiver of fees 45-6
Wall, Michael 120, 122
website 47
work of the court 20-53
workforce planning 64
work-life balance 64
workload 15-16, 24-34, 127-46
workplace bargaining 62
workplace diversity 63-4
workplace relations, see Fair Work Acts


Yates, David Markey 6
year in review 12-17

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