Program 4.1: Commonwealth Courts Corporate Services

The Commonwealth Courts Corporate Services program was established following the enactment of the Courts Administration Legislation Amendment Act 2016 (Cth).

Corporate Services includes finance, people and culture, security, risk oversight and management, communications, information technology, business intelligence, property and procurement, library, information management and judgment publishing.

The shared corporate services body is managed by the Accountable Authority, which is the Federal Court’s CEO and Principal Registrar.

The Accountable Authority consults with:

  • the head of jurisdiction of the Federal Court of Australia
  • the head of jurisdiction of the FCFCOA (Division 1) and the FCFCOA (Division 2)
  • the CEO and Principal Registrar of the FCFCOA (Division 1) and the FCFCOA (Division 2), and
  • the President and Native Title Registrar of the Native Title Tribunal.

in relation to the performance of this function.

Details relating to corporate services and consultation requirements are set out in a memorandum of understanding.

Corporate Services aims to optimise the delivery of shared functions and reducing duplication to generate efficiencies.

Figure 2. Corporate Services organisation structure.

A diagram showing the Corporate Services organisation structure of the Federal Court Listed Entity. This is a complex diagram and may require specific support for visually impaired people. Please contact if required.

Performance and key activities


To provide efficient and effective corporate services to the Commonwealth Courts and Tribunals to support them in achieving their purposes and achieving their key activities.


Improved administration and support of the resolution of matters according to law for litigants in the Federal Court of Australia, the FCFCOA (Division 1), the FCFCOA (Division 2) and parties in the Native Title Tribunal through efficient and effective provision of shared corporate and registry services.

Guiding principles

  • Deliver efficient corporate services to each Commonwealth Court and Tribunal.
  • Build an agile, skilled, and engaged workforce.
  • Optimise technology to support judicial, registry and corporate services functions.
  • Improve access to justice.

Key activities

For 2024–25 (and the outlook period through to 2028), Corporate Services will progress the following key activities:

Key activities





Ensure our digital services are optimised, stable and secure, and available to Court and Tribunal users when they need them.





Ensure our buildings are safe and secure for all occupants.





Increase workforce planning and capability, and reform enabled by modern technology.





Table 6. Program 4.1 key activities, 2024–25 to 2027–28.

2024–25 significant initiatives

  • Modernise court platforms including case management and electronic court files in a single intuitive system.
  • Establish new facilities to support the implementation of the Future Security Service Project, including enhanced security services (including the guarding service).
  • Modernise Courts and Tribunal networks to better support hybrid working needs.
  • Ongoing enhancements to cybersecurity protections, including data protection and security awareness.
  • Continued modernisation of underlying technology platforms for optimised efficiency, security, and value.
  • Update all systems, policies, and procedures to align to the new Enterprise Agreement 2024–2027.
  • Resource and establish a dedicated governance, risk and compliance (GRC) team.
  • Improve leadership and performance development capabilities.
  • Explore an alternative solution to the current information management system used in the Courts and Native Title Tribunal.

Performance measurement

The key outcome measure is contained in Outcome Four (Programs 4.1 and 4.2) of the Portfolio Budget Statements. That is, improved administration and support of the resolution of matters according to law for litigants in the Federal Court of Australia, the FCFCOA (Division 1), the FCFCOA (Division 2) and parties in the Native Title Tribunal through efficient and effective provision of shared corporate and registry services. All strategies, priorities and key activities are designed to support the achievement of these performance goals. Performance against these goals is reported in the Listed Entity annual report.

Performance measure

Goal 1 – Optimise technology to support judicial, registry and corporate services functions.

Planned performance result

2024–25 – Proposed future state capability and technology supports the demands of each Court and its users. Successful delivery of the Digital Court Program.

2025–26 – Proposed future state capability and technology supports the demands of each Court and its users. Successful delivery of the Digital Court Program.

2026–27 – Proposed future state capability and technology supports the demands of each Court and its users. Successful delivery of the Digital Court Program.

2027–28 – Proposed future state capability and technology supports the demands of each Court and its users. Successful delivery of the Digital Court Program.


Implementing an updated common platform for Family Law, Federal Law, and case and workload management will increase efficiency across the Courts and Tribunals. Updated network technology will better support ongoing hybrid working models.


This target will be measured by reference to the following:

  • Capabilities migrated from legacy systems to updated platform as per digital and IT program roadmap.
  • Legacy systems no longer in use.
  • Network implementation completed, and reductions in outage and performance issues, particularly for remote working.
  • Implement contracts and procure-to-pay modules into our Financial Management Information System to provide improved contract management functionality and to streamline procurement processes.

Performance measure

Goal 2 – Implementation of a Cyber Security Program.

Planned performance result

2024–25 – The Listed Entity continues to deliver services in a productive and secure manner in the event of a cyber incident.

2025–26 – The Listed Entity continues to deliver services in a productive and secure manner in the event of a cyber incident.

2026–27 – The Listed Entity continues to deliver services in a productive and secure manner in the event of a cyber incident.

2027–28 – The Listed Entity continues to deliver services in a productive and secure manner in the event of a cyber incident.


Increasing protection against current and emerging threats will ensure resilient Court and Tribunal services.


This target will be measured by reference to the following:

  • Reduced measured vulnerabilities, particularly aged, to within recommendations from the Australian Cyber Security Centre, or compensating controls implemented.
  • Implement modernised data protection following a risk-based approach.
  • Protective Security Policy Framework and Information Security Manual compliance.
  • Cyber security awareness training.

Performance measure

Goal 3 – Efficient and effective corporate services.

Planned performance result

2024–25 – Corporate Services to be provided within the agreed funding.

2025–26 – Corporate Services to be provided within the agreed funding.

2026–27 – Corporate Services to be provided within the agreed funding.

2027–28 – Corporate Services to be provided within the agreed funding.


The delivery of efficient and effective shared corporate services will generate efficiencies, reduce duplication, improve financial sustainability, and increase the effectiveness of the public administration of the Courts and Tribunal.


This target will be measured by reference to:

  • Ensuring synergies between Corporate Services and Court and Tribunal Services (where possible) to ensure there are no gaps in service provision.
  • Including non-Corporate Services staff in planning and implementation of services.
  • Providing clear career pathways for staff into and from Corporate Services to other parts of the agency.
  • Continuing to move resources to where they are most needed.

Performance measure

Goal 4 – Gender equality – female representation in the senior executive service (SES) and executive level (EL) classifications.

Planned performance result

2024–25 – Approximately 50% of SES and approximately 50% of EL staff.

2025–26 – Approximately 50% of SES and approximately 50% of EL staff.

2026–27 – Approximately 50% of SES and approximately 50% of EL staff.

2027–28 – Approximately 50% of SES and approximately 50% of EL staff.


In line with the Australian Public Service Gender Equality Strategy 2021–26, ensuring the Listed Entity provides a diverse and inclusive workplace is key to maintaining employee engagement, as well as ensuring the Courts and the Native Title Tribunal benefits from employees’ varied perspectives. The Listed Entity is committed to ensuring its female employees have the same opportunity as all other employees to progress into senior leadership positions.


This will be measured by reference to calculating the proportion of senior leadership positions occupied by female employees at the SES classification and the EL classification.

Performance measure

Goal 5 – Indigenous representation – proportion of staff who identify as Indigenous.

Planned performance result

2024–25 – Indigenous representation of 3% of total staff.

2025–26 – Indigenous representation of 3% of total staff.

2026–27 – Indigenous representation of 3% of total staff.

2027–28 – Indigenous representation of 3% of total staff.


The Listed Entity is committed to furthering and advancing reconciliation, both within the organisation and more broadly across the community. Key to reconciliation is ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have access to the same employment opportunities as all other people.


This will be measured by reference to calculating the proportion of overall positions within the Listed Entity occupied by employees who identify as Aboriginal or as Torres Strait Islanders.

Measures of success

  • Increased digital capability to support the growth in remote hearings and other digital initiatives.
  • Improved security arrangements in all court and tribunal premises.
  • Increased visibility into our environment, improved vulnerability scanning and detection capability, and better cyber security awareness through products and training.
  • All systems, policies and procedures aligned to new enterprise agreement.
  • Improved GRC capability.
  • Increased employee diversity to ensure our workforce is reflective of the community which we serve.
  • A new performance development framework to support capability, career planning, continuous learning, feedback and evaluation.

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