
Reconciliation Action Plan: July 2020 to July 2021


9 Improve employment outcomes by increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander recruitment, retention and professional development.

Develop a business case for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment within our organisation.

December 2020

Assistant Director, People and Culture (Employee Relations and Conduct)

Build understanding of current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staffing to inform future employment and professional development opportunities.

December 2020

Assistant Director, People and Culture (Learning and Development)

The National Native Title Tribunal will host one or more secondments of employees from the courts to deepen their understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures, with the expectation that participants will build capacity within the Court entity by sharing their learnings with other entity employees, particularly their teams.

June 2021

RAP Champions

10 Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity to support improved economic and social outcomes.

Develop a business case for procurement from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses.

December 2020

Director, Property and Procurement

Investigate Supply Nation membership.

December 2020

Director, Property and Procurement

11 Investigate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment pathways.

Investigate (and implement where appropriate) participating in the Australian Public Service Commission’s Indigenous Graduate Pathway.

June 2021

Assistant Director, People and Culture (Employee Relations and Conduct)

Investigate (and implement where appropriate) being a host for the Indigenous Australian Government Development Program.

June 2021

Assistant Director, People and Culture (Employee Relations and Conduct)

Investigate (and implement where appropriate) hosting an intern in the Aurora Project’s Aurora Internship Program.

June 2021

Assistant Director, People and Culture (Employee Relations and Conduct)

12 Create and fill positions that support the implementation of RAP actions.

Fill the Affirmative Measures position within the People and Culture section to support the implementation of RAP actions. Explore options to use Affirmative Measures and identified recruitment at all levels of the Entity, particularly at executive levels and above.

May 2021

Director, People and Culture


Little Sandy Desert, WA

Photo: Little Sandy Desert, Western Australia: In 2008 and in 2016, the Federal Court of Australia recognised the native title rights and interests of the Birriliburu People. The determinations cover an area of around 70,000 square kilometres of the Little Sandy Desert region of Western Australia, which is south of the Great Sandy Desert and west of the Gibson Desert. It is incredibly remote, with a diverse landscape of dune fields, mountain ranges and salt lakes.