Our Partnerships

Reconciliation Action Plan: July 2020 to July 2021

Eumeralla (Yambuk) coastal reserve, VictoriaThere are several Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employee networks across the Courts and Tribunal.

We plan to group those networks to ensure that our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees are well supported.

This Reflect RAP must work alongside the RAPs already in place in the Federal Circuit Court and in the Family Court.

We will engage with the champions of those RAPs to ensure activities complement each other as much as is possible.

We will reach out to stakeholder groups within the Australian Public Service and other organisations, such as universities, to build upon our support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees.  



Photo: Eumeralla (Yambuk) coastal reserve, Victoria: On 27 July 2011, the Federal Court of Australia recognised the native title rights and interests of the Gunditjmara People and the Eastern Maar People over an area between the Shaw and Eumeralla Rivers including Deen Maar (Lady Julia Percy Island) in south-west Victoria.