

The Federal Court of Australia entity is the administrative organisation that engages employees under the Public Service Act 1999 (Cth) external link to work in support of one or more of the following courts or Tribunal:

The Courts Administration Legislation Amendment Act 2016 (Cth) external link established the Federal Court entity, however each court continues to maintains its distinct statutory identity, with separate functions and judicial independence.

Employees are covered by the Federal Court of Australia Enterprise Agreement. There are different arrangements in place for senior executive service employees’ remuneration and other conditions.


The Federal Court entity engages employees for a range of roles in various locations around Australia. These include:

  • court services and judicial support such as client service officers, court officers, associates and executive assistants
  • legal support including registrars, judicial registrars and legal case managers
  • court children's services, including court child experts and senior court child experts
  • National Native Title Tribunal roles including legal support, alternative dispute resolution, geospatial services, future acts support, applications and registrations, support and special projects, and
  • corporate services including human resources, finance, risk management, information technology, property and procurement, information management, business intelligence, judgment publishing, security, communications and library.


The Court offers the following employment opportunities:

  • Specific positions (ongoing and non-ongoing opportunities)

The Court advertises specific positions on the online recruitment system external link .

The positions are also advertised in APSJobs external link and on other websites from time to time.

To be considered for these vacancies, you must submit an application for each vacancy using the Court's online recruitment system. external link

The Court does not accept unsolicited, general applications for advertised vacancies that have been sent by email.

To be notified of Federal Court vacancies, sign up for email alerts from APSJobs external link

  • Non-specific positions (temporary employment registers)

Refer to the Temporary Register vacancy on the online recruitment system external link for details.

  • Judges' Associates

Refer to the Judges' Associates page for details.


Employment with the Court is subject to conditions prescribed in the Public Service Act 1999 (Cth) external link and subordinate regulations and determinations.

Australian citizenship is a condition of engagement and may only be waived in exceptional circumstances.

Applicants who remain subject to a ‘redundancy benefit period’ from a Commonwealth employer will not normally be engaged.

Engagement may also be subject to probation, security and character and health clearances. 

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions of engagement are defined in the Federal Court of Australia Enterprise Agreement and relevant legislation, and are described in the letter of offer.

If you are commencing with the Australian Public Service, conditions of engagement may be imposed upon you including:

  • probation
  • citizenship
  • formal qualifications
  • security and character clearances, and
  • health clearances.

Probation is generally six months in duration, unless your employment with the Court is for a shorter period.

If any or all of these conditions are not met, your employment with the Court may be terminated. 


Transfers within the Australian Public Service and between the Parliamentary Service and the Australian Public Service

The Court may offer ongoing or temporary transfer opportunities under section 26 of the Public Service Act 1999 (Cth) external link. These transfers can be between the Court and another APS agency or a Parliamentary Service department. More information about transfers can be found on the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) website external link.

Promotion reviews

The Court may promote employees from within the entity, or from another agency, following a merit based recruitment exercise. Promotions at the APS 1–6 level may be subject to review. A review may delay the commencement date and date of effect of the promotion. More information about promotions can be found on the Merit Protection Commissioner website external link.

Transfer of certain leave entitlements between State and Territory Government Service (excluding the Australian Capital Territory)

It is not possible to transfer accrued annual leave and personal leave (sick leave) from state and territory authorities except when it is from the Australian Capital Territory Public Service.

Accrued annual leave must be paid out in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) external link if you move from State or Territory Government Service (except when it is from the Australian Capital Territory Public Service).

State or Territory Government Service may be recognised as government service for the purpose of determining your Commonwealth long service leave.


The information provided by you is collected to assist the Court to determine your suitability for vacant positions. Further information on how personal information is managed is contained in the Court’s Privacy Policy.

When applying for a position at the Court via the online recruitment system, you will be asked to read and acknowledge the Court's Conduct and Privacy statement prior to submitting an application.