Judges' Associates
The Federal Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia offer a number of associate positions each year. Associates are employed as part of the chambers staff of a particular judge. They may provide legal research, in-court duties and other support for that judge. Australian citizenship is a condition of engagement as an Associate.
Further information regarding the appointment of associates can be found below.
Federal Court of Australia
The Federal Court offers a number of associate positions each year, which are generally:
- for recent law graduates, and
- not usually advertised on APS Jobs.
Some judges provide information about the status of their recruitment, i.e. which year they are seeking associates for (often recruitment occurs 1–2 years in advance of the start date) and the specific requirements they may have for associates working in their chambers. Where such information exists, it can be found under the profile of the individual judge.
Associates are employed on a non-ongoing basis at the Australian Public Service Level 5 for a period of approximately 12 months. Associates generally commence at the start of the year, although there may be occasions when placements commence at other times.
How do I apply for a Federal Court Associate position?
You will need to write directly to the judge in whose chambers you would like to work, including a cover letter addressed to the judge along with your resume and a copy of your academic transcript.
Contact details for Judges’ Chambers can be found at the bottom of the left hand side bar of the Contact us page.
When you submit information directly to chambers seeking employment as a Federal Court of Australia Associate it is taken that you have read and agree to the following statement.
Conduct and privacy statement
The information provided by you is collected to assist the Federal Court of Australia (the entity) to determine your suitability for vacant associate positions.
You must not knowingly provide any false or misleading information in connection with your application and possible engagement. You must also not wilfully fail to disclose information that you know, or ought reasonably to have known, was relevant to the entity in making a decision to engage you. Additionally, you must behave honestly and with integrity in connection with your engagement. If you are found to have breached these legislative requirements in connection with your application and engagement in the Australian Public Service (APS), you are taken to have breached the APS Code of Conduct in accordance with subsection 15(2A) of the Public Service Act 1999 (Cth) (the Act). If you are suspected of having engaged in such conduct prior to engagement, this may be investigated in accordance with the entities Procedures for Determining Breaches of the APS Code of Conduct and for Determining Sanctions made under subsection 15(3) of the Act. These procedures can be found on the Court’s intranet.
If you are found to have breached the APS Code of Conduct in the course of being engaged as an APS employee, sanctions may be imposed upon you including termination of employment. Details of the sanctions that can be imposed are outlined in section 15(1) of the Act. Additional information, other than that provided by you in your application, may be sourced and considered for these purposes and may include information contained on social media sites, other websites, from referees and other relevant persons or organisations. Where the entity identifies information about you, and intends to take it into consideration, the entity will comply with the principle of procedural fairness. If the identified information is potentially adverse, you will be given an opportunity to verify that the information is about you and comment upon it within a reasonable period of time.
Information provided by you as part of your application (resume, transcripts, cover letters etc.) may be kept and stored on the Court’s systems.
The information you provide, and other information the entity collects, will be treated in line with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the entity’s Privacy Policy.
The entity may use and disclose some or all of the information collected to relevant parties for the purpose of determining your suitability for employment. Use of personal information in the possession, or under the control, of the entity will be in accordance with section 72E of the Public Service Act.
Information submitted to and obtained by the entity may also be held in accordance with the Archives Act 1983 (Cth).
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA) offers a number of associate positions each year, which are generally:
- for recent law graduates, and
- advertised on APS Jobs.
There are two types of associates: the associate at Australian Public Service Level 5; and the deputy associate at the Australian Public Service Level 4. Associates are generally employed on a non-ongoing basis for a period of approximately 12 months with possible extensions.
How do I apply for a FCFCOA associate position?
Details about how to apply for an associate position can be found in the Recruitment section, under ‘How to Apply’.