International Programs

Activities in Bangladesh

The Federal Court has hosted three delegations from Bangladesh  since 2010 under the auspices of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP)  supported by the Judicial Strengthening Project (JUST). In 2010 Judges from the  Supreme and High Courts visited the Court’s QLD, NSW and Victorian Registries to observe case management systems in  Australian courts. In 2013 and 2014 delegations from the Supreme Court of  Bangladesh attended the  Principal and NSW Registries to observe case management, court administration  and mediation practices in order to support inform agenda for comprehensive  reform of Bangladesh’s court administration processes and systems. The  delegations also attended the annual International Association for Court  Administration Conference.

Members of
the delegation from the Supreme Court of Bangladesh attending the Principal
Registry in Sydney, 2013
Members of the delegation from the Supreme Court of Bangladesh attending  the Principal Registry in Sydney, 2013

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