The Hon Erin Jane LONGBOTTOM
Judge, Federal Court of Australia: 20.12.2024
Location: Brisbane
The Hon. Justice Erin Jane Longbottom was appointed to the Federal Court in December 2024.
Prior to her appointment to the Federal Court, she was a member of the Queensland Bar and was appointed King’s Counsel in 2019.
Associateship Applications
Justice Longbottom is currently accepting associateship applications for commencement in February 2025. The usual duration of each Associate position will be 12 months.
Justice Longbottom will also consider applications for commencement in February 2026.
Applications should be in the form of a cover letter, a CV and a transcript of academic results. Applications should be sent to, marked to the attention of the Chambers of Justice Longbottom.
General information about associate positions can be found on the Judges' Associates page of the Employment section of the Federal Court website.
20 December 2024