The Hon Darryl Cameron RANGIAH

Judge, Federal Court of Australia: 13.8.2013
Location: Brisbane

Other Commissions & Appointments:
Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory - Additional Judge

Justice Rangiah was appointed as a judge of the Federal Court of Australia in 2013. His Honour also holds an appointment as an additional judge of the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory.

Prior to his appointment, Justice Rangiah practised as a barrister at the Queensland Bar, taking silk in 2008. His Honour was also chair of the Queensland Fisheries Tribunal for nine years and a member of the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Tribunal for five years.

His Honour is a member of the Griffith University Law School Advisory Committee and a member of the University of Queensland Pro Bono Centre Committee.

Associateship Applications

Justice Rangiah invites applications by 15 January the year before the Associateship begins (eg. by 15 January 2024 for the position in 2025). Applications should be addressed to marked for the attention of the Chambers of Justice Rangiah.


Updated January 2023