The Hon Houda YOUNAN

Judge, Federal Court of Australia: 19.12.2024
Location: Sydney

Justice Houda Younan was appointed to the Federal Court of Australia on 19 December 2024.

Justice Younan graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Arts (Government) (Hons I) in 1996 and a Bachelor of Laws (Hons I) in 1998. In the same year, her Honour was the National Champion and Best Oralist in the Final of the Philip C Jessup International Moot Court Competition, and the Best Oralist in the international rounds in Washington DC.

In 2001, her Honour was awarded a Master of Laws (Hons I) from the University of Cambridge, and the Clive Parry Prize for International law.

From 2001 to 2005, her Honour was a legal officer and then senior legal officer in the Office of International Law, Attorney-General’s Department, where she participated in disputes before the World Trade Organisation, and was awarded for her service advising in relation to the law of armed conflict.

In 2006, her Honour was admitted to the New York State Bar. In 2007, her Honour was admitted to the New South Wales Bar. Her Honour also lectured in international law at the University of Sydney until 2008, at which time she was a co-author of the Australian Yearbook of International Law.

In 2020, her Honour was appointed Senior Counsel. Her Honour practised at the Bar in administrative law, constitutional law, international law, extradition, revenue and customs, and sports law arbitration.

Associateship applications

Justice Younan’s chambers is staffed by two Associates, generally for a period of 12 months each.

Justice Younan has appointed associates for 2025, 2026 and 2027.

General information about associate positions can be found on the Judges' Associates page of the Employment section of the Federal Court website.

24 February 2025

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