Appendix 11

Federal Court of Australia Annual Report 2015-2016

The Federal Court's Annual Report complies with the reporting requirements of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act), rules make under the PGPA Act, related Orders and other applicable legislation.

AIDS TO ACCESS Page number
in print report
Letter of transmittal 2
Table of contents inside front cover 200
Glossary 205
List of requirements 197
Contact Officer 210
Entity's website address and electronic address of the report 210
A review by the accountable authority of the entity 195
Overview of the Court and National Native Title Tribunal 3, 65
Role and functions 3, 65
Organisational structure 8,65
Outcome and programmes administrated by structure of the entity. 52
A description of the purposes of the entity as included in the corporate plan 3, 65
Where the outcomes and programs administered by the entity differ from any Portfolio Budget Statement, Portfolio Additional Estimates Statement or other portfolio estimates statement that was prepared for the entity for the period, include details of variation and reasons for change. (n/a)
Annual Performance Statement (195 )
Review of performance during the year in relation to programmes and contribution to outcomes (195
Actual performance in relation to deliverables and KPIs set out in PBS or other portfolio statements (195)
Where performance targets differ from the PBS, details of both former and new targets, and reasons for the change n/a
Narrative discussion and analysis of performance 15
Trend information 141
Significant changes in nature of principal functions/services n/a
Performance of purchaser/provider arrangements n/a
Factors, events or trends influencing the Court's performance 15
Contribution of risk management in achieving objectives 53
Performance against service charter customer service standards, complaints data, and the Court's response to complaints 44
Discussion and analysis of the Court's financial performance 51
Discussion of any significant changes from the prior year or from budget 51
Agency resource statement and summary resource tables by outcomes 52
Compliance with Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines 53
Corporate governance practices 53
Senior executive and their responsibilities 8, 194
Senior management committees and their roles 50
Corporate and operational planning 51
Internal audit arrangements including approach adopted to identifying areas of significant financial or operational risk and arrangements to manage those risks 53
SES remuneration 194
Significant developments in external scrutiny n/a
Judicial decisions and decisions of administrative tribunals and by the Australian Information Commissioner 53
Reports by the Auditor-General, a Parliamentary Committee or the Commonwealth Ombudsman 53
Effectiveness in managing and developing human resources 56
Staffing statistics 190
Enterprise Agreements, Determinations, individual flexibility arrangements and AWAs 57
Training and development 59
Work health and safety performance 57
Productivity gains 26, 196
Performance pay 57
Asset management 51
Assessment of purchasing against core policies and principles 53
Consultants 54
Absence of provisions in contracts allowing access by the Auditor-General 55
Contracts exempt from AusTender 55
Financial statements 88
Work health and safety, (Schedule 2. Part 4 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011) 57
Purchasing information 53
Advertising and Market Research 56
Ecologically sustainable development and environmental performance 56
Compliance with the agency's obligations under the Carer Recognition Act 2010 n/a
Grant programs n/a
Disability Reporting 60
Information Publication Scheme Statement 42
Correction of material errors in previous annual report n/a
Small business 53

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