
Today's published judgments

Costs ; Administrative Law
Zirk-Sadowski v University of New South Wales (No 4) [2024] FCA 813
COSTS - application for costs under s 570 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) - where respondent alleged that the proceeding was instituted without reasonable cause, and the applicant had unreasonably continued proceedings - where applicant was self-represented - where respondent sought costs on an indemnity basis- costs awarded on a party and party basis
26 Jul 2024 |  ANDERSON J

Practice and Procedure ; Industrial Law
Mirabella v Mirabella International Pty Ltd [2024] FCA 820
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - interlocutory application for suppression or non-publication orders pursuant to s 37AF of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) - whether an order is necessary to prevent prejudice to the proper administration of justice - whether an order is necessary to protect the safety of any person - whether court documents and transcript should be marked confidential pursuant to r 2.32(3) of the Federal Court Rules 2011 (Cth).
26 Jul 2024 |  SNADEN J