When are Court Fees Due?

A filing fee must be paid before the document it relates to is filed.

A setting down fee for a hearing in a proceeding must be paid:

  • if the hearing day or first day of the hearing is less than 28 days after the day when the hearing is fixed – as directed by a Registrar;
  • otherwise – no later than 28 days before the hearing day or first day of hearing.

A hearing fee for a hearing must be paid:

  • if the hearing day is more than 2 business days after the day when the hearing is fixed – no later than close of business 2 business days before the hearing;
  • otherwise – no later than 9.30 am on the hearing day.

A fee for service or execution of process or seizure and sale of goods must be paid as approved by a Registrar or an authorised officer of the Court.

A fee for a service mentioned in an item in Schedule 1 to the Federal Court and Federal Circuit and Family Court Regulations 2022 must be paid before the service is provided.

Updated July 2015

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