Forms under the Federal Court (Criminal Proceedings) Rules 2016

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FormRuleTitle Date effective
CP1 1.16(1) General form: indictable primary proceedings (docx - 23 kb) 10/11/2016
CP2 1.16(2)General form: summary criminal proceedings (docx - 23 kb) 10/11/2016
CP3 1.16(3) General form: criminal appeal proceedings (docx - 23 kb) 10/11/2016
CP4 1.29 Notice of acting: appointment of lawyer (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP5 1.30(1) Notice of termination of lawyer's retainer (docx - 25 kb) 10/11/2016
CP6 1.30(2); 1.31(1)(b) Notice of ceasing to act (docx - 24 kb) 10/11/2016
CP7 1.30(3) Notice of acting: change of lawyer (docx - 25 kb) 10/11/2016
CP8 1.31(1)(a) Notice of intention of ceasing to act (docx - 24 kb) 10/11/2016
CP9 1.32 Affidavit (docx - 26 kb) 2/5/2019
CP10 1.38 Notice of address for service (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP11 1.40 Notice of change of address for service (docx - 24 kb) 10/11/2016
CP12 2.01(1)(a) Summons: summary criminal proceedings (docx - 25 kb) 10/11/2016
CP13 2.01(1)(b) Information: summary criminal proceedings (docx - 27 kb) 10/11/2016
CP14 3.01 Indictment (docx - 25 kb) 10/11/2016
CP15 3.01(7) Indictment information notice (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP16 3.03 Application for extension of time to file indictment (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP17 3.06 Application for an order discharging the accused (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP18 3.10 Notice of particulars of alibis (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP19 3.11 Notice of particulars of mental impairment (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP20 3.12 Summons to attend for jury service (docx - 22 kb) 20/01/2021
CP21 4.01 Application for leave to appeal (docx - 31 kb) 10/11/2016
CP22 4.02 Application for extension of time and for leave to appeal (docx - 32 kb) 10/11/2016
CP23 4.06; 4.24 Notice withdrawing appeal or application for leave to appeal or application for an extension of time (docx - 24 kb) 10/11/2016
CP24 4.10 Notice of appeal (docx - 32 kb) 10/11/2016
CP25 4.11 Application for extension of time to file notice of appeal (docx - 31 kb) 10/11/2016
CP26 4.22 Application for an order to allow inspection of report (docx - 25 kb) 10/11/2016
CP27 4.27 Application for leave to refer a question of law (docx - 28 kb) 10/11/2016
CP28 4.30 Notice of referral of a question of law (docx - 28 kb) 10/11/2016
CP29 4.31 Notice of intended appearance at hearing of an application (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP30 4.31 Notice of intended appearance at hearing of a question of law (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP31 5.01 Bail application (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP32 5.02 Application to vary or revoke bail order (docx - 28 kb) 10/11/2016
CP33 5.04 Bail undertaking (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP34 5.05 Third party security undertaking (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP35 5.06 Application for direction to issue notice of proposed forfeiture (docx - 28 kb) 10/11/2016
CP36 5.06 Direction to issue notice of proposed forfeiture (docx - 23 kb) 10/11/2016
CP37 5.07 Notice of proposed forfeiture (docx - 27 kb) 10/11/2016
CP38 5.08 Notice of objection to forfeiture (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP39 7.22(c) Request for service in a foreign country (docx - 25kb) 10/11/2016
CP40 7.22(d) Request for transmission to a foreign country (docx - 24kb) 10/11/2016
NCF98.01(2)Request for leave to issue subpoena (docx - 64 kb) 
CP41 8.04(1)(a) Subpoena to attend to give evidence (docx - 25kb) 10/11/2016
CP42 8.04(1)(b) Subpoena to produce a document or thing (docx - 25 kb) 2/5/2019
CP43 8.04(1)(c) Subpoena to attend to give evidence and to produce a document of thing (docx - 25 kb) 2/5/2019
CP44 8.12 Subpoena - Notice and declaration by addressee (docx - 25 kb) 2/5/2019
CP45 9.01 Interlocutory application (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP46 9.04(1) Summons to appear before the Court (docx - 23 kb) 10/11/2016
CP47 9.05 Order to produce a prisoner (docx - 23 kb) 10/11/2016
CP48 9.06 Warrant for arrest (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP49 9.07 Warrant for imprisonment (docx - 24 kb) 10/11/2016
CP50 9.08 Notice of intention to adduce evidence of previous representation (docx - 25 kb) 10/11/2016
CP51 9.09 Notice of intention to adduce tendency evidence (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016
CP52 9.10 Notice of intention to adduce coincidence evidence (docx - 26 kb) 10/11/2016

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