Information Publication Scheme (IPS)

Freedom of Information Act 1982

The Information Publication Scheme (IPS) aims to transform the freedom of information framework from one that responds to individual requests for access to documents to one that requires Australian Government agencies to take a proactive approach to publishing information. The scheme commenced on 1 May 2011.


Under subsection 8(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) the IPS:

  • requires Australian Government agencies to publish information publication plans;
  • specifies categories of information that must be published; and
  • provides a means for agencies to proactively publish other government information.

Further information on the IPS is available from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) website.

Agency plan - s 8(2)(a)

Who we are - s 8(2)(b) and 8(2)(d)

What we do - s 8(2)(i) and 8(2)(j)

Our reports and responses to Parliament - s 8(2)(e) and 8(2)(h)

Routinely requested information and disclosure log - s 8(2)(g)

  • The Federal Court publishes a disclosure log of information to which the Court has provided access under the FOI Act, including any routinely requested information from such requests.

Consultation arrangements - s 8(2)(f)

  • The Federal Court is not responsible for the development of specific policy proposals. Its role is to determine disputes according to law as a Court exercising the judicial power of the Commonwealth under The Constitution. It does not undertake public consultation in carrying out that role.
  • Where appropriate, the Federal Court consults with its users (for example, through the Law Council of Australia and State/Territory Bar Associations and Law Societies) in the development of practices and procedures. It also encourages Court users and the community to provide it with feedback about its registry and information services.

Our priorities - s 8(4)

Contact us - s 8(2)(i)

For information about access to Federal Court information or documents which relates to matters of an administrative nature, contact the Federal Court's FOI contact officer


If you need assistance because information or a document on this website is not available in a format you can access, please email for an alternative accessible, format.

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