Judges NPA logo with link NPA logo with link

The following table contains the names of Judges in the Administrative and Constitutional Law and Human Rights National Practice Area (NPA).

National Coordinating Judge
Perram J
Nicholas J
Yates J
Katzmann J
Wigney J
Perry J
Markovic J
Bromwich J
Lee J
Thawley J
Stewart J
Abraham J
Goodman J
Raper J
Kennett J
Jackman J
Shariff J
Murphy J
Beach J
Moshinsky J+
Wheelahan J
O'Bryan J
Snaden J
Anderson J
McElwaine J
McEvoy J
Hespe J
Button J
Horan J
Neskovcin J
Dowling J
Collier J+
Logan J
Rangiah J
Sarah Derrington J
Meagher J

Charlesworth J+
O'Sullivan J

Banks-Smith J
Colvin J
Jackson J+
Feutrill J

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