Payment of Marshal’s Fees and US Currency Account NPA logo with link NPA logo with link

Payment of Marshal’s Fees and US Currency Account 

Payment of Marshal’s Fees and Expenses

Payment of Marshal’s Fees and Expenses can be received by cheque made payable to the Federal Court of Australia or by electronic funds transfer.

The Court’s bank account details are;

Reserve Bank of Australia
BSB: 092-002
Account: 110457

SWIFT CODE required for deposits coming from overseas is RSBKAU2S

US Currency Account

The Court has opened a US Currency Account with Westpac Bank. The account is available for practitioners to deposit US funds in relation to an admiralty or maritime dispute at short notice and without the need for a previous order of the Court. The account has been opened as a Litigants’ Fund under Division 2.5 of the Federal Court Rules. An order of the Court would be required to withdraw or transfer the funds.

The account details are:

Account Designator: MARSHALS ACCOUNT
BSB : 034702 A/C: 826486

Accounts required in other currencies should be discussed with an Admiralty Marshal or Duty Registrar.

National Coordinating Judges

  • Sarah C Derrington J
  • Stewart J

National Coordinating Registrar

  • Paul Farrell

NPA Judges