Judges NPA logo with link NPA logo with link

The following table contains the names of Judges in the Commercial and Corporations National Practice Area (NPA) and its sub-areas.

National Coordinating Judge
^ Commercial & Corporations Duty Judge

Commercial Contracts, Banking, Finance and Insurance (CCBFI) Sub-Area:

Nicholas J
Markovic J
Lee J
Thawley J
Stewart J
Halley J
Cheeseman J+
Goodman J
Jackman J
Shariff J
Needham J
Moore J
Owens J
Beach J
Moshinsky J
O'Callaghan J
Wheelahan J (E&IR)
O'Bryan J
Snaden J (E&IR)
Anderson J
Rofe J
McElwaine J
McEvoy J
Button J
Neskovcin J
Dowling J (E&IR)
Bennett J
Derrington J+
SC Derrington J
Downes J
Longbottom J
Wheatley J
Charlesworth J
O'Sullivan J
McDonald J
Banks-Smith J+
Colvin J
Jackson J
Feutrill J
Vandongen J

Corporations & Corporate Insolvency (CORPS) Sub-Area:

Markovic J^
Lee J^
Stewart J^
Halley J^
Cheeseman J+^
Goodman J^
Jackman J^
Moore J^
Owens J^


Perram J
Wigney J
Burley J
Thawley J
Kennett J
Shariff J^
Needham J
Younan J^
Beach J^
Moshinsky J^
O'Callaghan J^
O’Bryan J^
Anderson J^
McElwaine J^
McEvoy J^
Button J^
Neskovcin J^
Bennett J^


Murphy J (Class Actions/ASIC)
Derrington J+^
SC Derrington J^
Downes J^
Longbottom J^
Wheatley J^

Additional Judges
Collier J
Meagher J
Charlesworth J^
O'Sullivan J^
McDonald J
Banks-Smith J^
Colvin J^
Jackson J^
Feutrill J^
Vandongen J^

General & Personal Insolvency (GPI) Sub-area:

Perram J
Nicholas J
Katzmann J
Wigney J
Perry J
Markovic J
Lee J
Thawley J
Stewart J
Halley J
Cheeseman J+
Goodman J
Raper J
Jackman J
Needham J
Moore J
Owens J
Stellios J
Younan J
Beach J
Moshinsky J
O'Callaghan J
O'Bryan J
Snaden J
Anderson J
Rofe J
McElwaine J
McEvoy J
Hespe J
Button J
Horan J
Neskovcin J
Dowling J
Bennett J
Collier J
Logan J
Rangiah J
Derrington J+
Downes J
Meagher J
Longbottom J
Wheatley J
Charlesworth J
O'Sullivan J
McDonald J
Banks-Smith J+
Colvin J
Jackson J
Feutrill J
Vandongen J

Economic Regulator, Competition & Access (ERCA) Sub-area:

Perram J
Wigney J
Bromwich J
Lee J
Halley J
Cheeseman J+
Jackman J
Moore J
Owens J
Beach J
Moshinsky J
O'Callaghan J
O’Bryan J
Anderson J
Button J
Neskovcin J
Bennett J
Logan J
Derrington J+
SC Derrington J
Downes J
Longbottom J
Wheatley J
O'Sullivan J Banks-Smith J+
Colvin J
Jackson J
Feutrill J
Vandongen J

Regulator & Consumer Protection (RCP) Sub-area:

Nicholas J
Katzmann J
Wigney J
Perry J
Markovic J
Bromwich J
Lee J
Thawley J
Stewart J
Abraham J
Halley J
Cheeseman J+
Goodman J
Raper J
Kennett J
Shariff J
Needham J
Moore J
Owens J
Stellios J
Younan J
Murphy J
Beach J
Moshinsky J
O'Callaghan J
Wheelahan J
O'Bryan J
Snaden J
Anderson J
Rofe J
McElwaine J
Hespe J
Button J
Horan J
Neskovcin J
Dowling J
Bennett J
Collier J
Logan J
Rangiah J
Derrington J+
SC Derrington J
Downes J
Meagher J
Longbottom J
Wheatley J
Charlesworth J
O'Sullivan J
McDonald J
Banks-Smith J+
Colvin J
Jackson J
Feutrill J
Vandongen J

Commercial Arbitration (CA) Sub-area:

Stewart J
Jackman J
Needham J
Moore J
Younan J
Beach J
Moshinsky J
O'Callaghan J
Anderson J
Button J
Neskovcin J
Derrington J+
SC Derrington J
Downes J
Longbottom J
O'Sullivan J Banks-Smith J+
Jackson J
Feutrill J

NCR: Tim Luxton and Jacinta Ellis