Subscribe to Judgments by NPA
The Court‘s work is divided into nine subject matter areas called National Practice Areas (NPAs). You can subscribe to receive email alerts for judgments on a particular NPA or for all judgments published.
How to subscribe
1. Fill out the form below
2. Select the list you would like to subscribe to (you can pick more than one)
3. Click ‘Submit’.
You will receive an email asking you to confirm your choices.
Once subscribed, you will receive an email for each of the lists you have subscribed to.
The frequency of emails will vary for each NPA. You will receive information when it becomes available.
RSS feed
Alternatively, there is an RSS feed available for keeping track of the latest published judgments.
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If you are a first-time subscriber and do not receive a confirmation email from us, you may wish to add to your contacts and the following domains to your safe sender list*:
If after taking these steps, you are still not receiving emails, please contact us at
* At May 2020