Technology Resources: GPN-TECH

As an accompaniment to the Technology and the Court Practice Note (GPN-TECH), the following “Technology Resources” have been developed by the Court to assist any person utilising technology within the Court:

1.  Preparing and lodging documents in the Federal Court

PLEASE NOTE: A guide for preparing and lodging documents in the Court is currently being developed. In the interim, any person preparing or lodging documents should refer to the revoked practices notes and guide:

The new guide will include:

  • How to prepare documents
  • How to prepare forms
  • How particular documents, including:

Appeal Books
Court books

  • Other preparation considerations:

Anonymisation of personal and sensitive information
How to redact electronic documents
How to manage confidential documents

  • How to lodge documents and forms
  • eLodgment & special lodgement requirements
  • How the Court processes lodged documents

2.  Videoconferencing

A draft guide to Videoconferencing.
PLEASE NOTE: This guide is currently undergoing internal consultation and the final guide will be made available shortly.

3.  Electronic discovery

An updated template "Standard Document Management Protocol" (SDMP) is currently being developed. The SDMP will set out how electronic documents may be exchanged and managed during electronic discovery.

In the interim, the following Court protocols (which are currently being reviewed) are available to assist parties planning to use electronic discovery in their proceeding:

4.  Technology glossary

The Technical Glossary contains definitions of technical expressions used in the Technology and the Court Practice Note and on the Court’s website

5. Assistance with technology in litigation

If you have any technology bases queries, please contact the local eRegistrar.

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