Our Team
Ms. Helen Burrows | Director of International Programs, Federal Court of Australia
Helen is the Technical Director of PJIP responsible for technical oversight, program design, quality assurance, risk and performance management. Helen is an international human rights lawyer and justice reform specialist. For two decades she has supported and led bi/multilateral judicial development projects with over 50 countries across Asia, the Pacific and Africa. Helen is Director of International Programs with the Federal Court of Australia, a published author and a member of the Journal of Modern Slavery’s Advisory Board.
Justice Dr. John Carey | Judge Administrator - Judicial Education, Papua New Guinea Centre for Judicial Excellence
Justice Dr. John Carey is a multi-disciplinary executive and judicial educator and is Judge Administrator - Judicial Education at Papua New Guinea Centre for Judicial Excellence (PNGCJE). Justice Dr. Carey was admitted as a lawyer in Fiji in 2013, the Cayman Islands in 2016, the Bahamas in 2022, and eligible for admission in the 17 Commonwealth Caribbean countries. Justice Dr. Carey was appointed a Judge of the National and Supreme Courts of Papua New Guinea in July 2023. He specialises in dispute resolution, legislative drafting and human rights.
Ms. Nicole Cherry | Team Leader, Pacific Judicial Integrity Program
As Team Leader of the PJIP, Nicole is responsible for the coordination, management and implementation of the PJIP in line with its goals, purpose, outcomes and objectives. With more than 18 years’ experience managing development assistance programs across the Asia Pacific region she has overseen the design, implementation and evaluation of over 50 projects from short-term design missions to complex, longer-term multi-team programs. Nicole holds a Masters of International and Community Development, Bachelor of Business Management and Certificate IV in Project Management.
Mr. Lorenz Metzner | Training Adviser, Pacific Judicial Integrity Program
Lorenz is responsible for facilitating the development and implementation of face-to-face training activities and Training-of-Trainer workshops for PJIP. He is a justice reform and development specialist with more than 20 years’ experience providing strategic and technical advice, capacity building support, and leadership across a suite of development initiatives related to human rights and the rule of law. Lorenz has worked with a diverse range of donors, leading, and implementing development assistance initiatives across Asia, Africa, and the Pacific region.
Ms. Margaret Barron | Online Course Adviser, Pacific Judicial Integrity Program
Margaret is responsible for facilitating the development and implementation of online training activities for PJIP. She holds qualifications in law and education including a Master of Laws specialising in Law, Governance and Development and has over 20 years’ experience working on rule-of-law development programs in SE Asia and the Pacific providing legal advice, drafting and training.
Mr. Tony Lansdell | Systems Adviser, Pacific Judicial Integrity Program
Tony is responsible for the development and strengthening of information and Communications Technology related systems and processes in the management of courts and their caseloads. Tony is a court systems and court performance specialists with over 23 years’ experience with courts in Australia, the Pacific, SE Asia, Africa and central Asia. His experience includes implementation and ongoing use and management of technologies, and he is well-versed in the challenges of introducing technologies and systems into court environments.
Ms Suzanne Mayhew | Handbook Adviser, Pacific Judicial Integrity Program
Suzanne supports the PJIP through the management, design, and development of regional legal resources. Suzanne was previously a federal prosecutor with the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions in Australia for over a decade. She was admitted as a lawyer in New South Wales in 2008 and her prosecution practice included criminal assets confiscations, fraud and money laundering, drug-trafficking and drug importation conspiracies, organised crime, terrorism, and threats to national security. More recently Suzanne has been the Technical Adviser to the Office of the Public Prosecutor in Vanuatu for over 3 years, where she creates and delivers in-house Continuing Legal Education, and designs and produces other legal and operational resources.
Ms. Stacey Levakia-Wali | Program Officer, Papua New Guinea Centre for Judicial Excellence
Stacey is responsible for sourcing relevant training resources and developing training programs in areas of law that will benefit Judges in the Pacific Island Countries. Such training programs also provide a forum for the Pacific Judiciaries to share information on common legal issues. She has over 15 years of experience in the PNG Private Sector and worked with the PNG Department of Justice and Attorney General. She has a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law degree from the University of PNG and is admitted to the bar of the Papua New Guinea Supreme and National Court.
Mr. Tongia Kekebogi | Program Officer, Papua New Guinea Centre for Judicial Excellence
Tongia is responsible for planning and coordinating judicial education programs for Judges and Magistrates in PNG. He has more than 20 years of work experience in the Supreme and National Courts Registries as well as acting as an Associate to a Judge. He has a Diploma of Management from Divine Word University in PNG and Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment from Training Australia Unlimited (TAU) through Pacific Judicial Education Program (PJEP).
Ms Arabella Owen | Program Officer, Pacific Centre for Judicial Excellence
Arabella is responsible for planning and coordinating judicial education programs for Court Staff in the Pacific. She has more than 15 years' work experience across various roles within the corporate’s services of the Papua New Guinea National Judicial Staff Services. She holds a Bachelor in Management from Divine Word University and a Diploma in Government Management from TAFE, as well as a certificate from the PNG Law & Justice Sector Leadership Foundations Program.
Ms Susie Vaieke | Program Officer, Papua New Guinea Centre for Judicial Excellence
Susie is responsible for planning, organising
and implementing training programs for Lay Judicial Officers in Papua New
Guinea. She is a Certificated Trainer with experience in facilitating training
for corporate staff of the Papua New Guinea Supreme and National Courts in the
areas of problem solving and decision making, communication skills, time
management skills and client service skills. She holds a Bachelor in Business
Management from Divine Word University and a Certificate in Court
Ms Aye Mya Mya Moe | Activity Administrator, Pacific Judicial Integrity Program
As the Activity Administrator of PJIP, Moe is responsible for organising, administering and implementing PJIP activities to the highest standard. She has several years’ experience in supporting United States government-funded programs relating to counternarcotic, drug demand reduction and the rule of law under the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL). Moe has successfully implemented several law enforcement capacity building projects in Myanmar in negotiation with host government agencies and in coordination with diplomats, prosecutors and law enforcement agencies at the United States mission in Myanmar.
Ms Megan Reid | Project Coordinator, Pacific Judicial Integrity Program
Megan supports the PJIP as the Project Coordinator, and is responsible for the financial management of activities, alongside the coordination and implementation of activities. She is a dedicated communicator and social change practitioner with experience in education and capacity development programs throughout Asia and the Pacific. Megan holds degrees in Business Management and International Relations, alongside a Diploma of Language. Her research interests in critical development perspectives and alternative management structures have supported her in community projects in both Chile and Australia. Megan consistently strives to bring this passion for critical rigour and localised community empowerment into her work with PJIP.