ASIC v Melissa Caddick - Online File

Given the significant public interest in this matter, the Court has adopted a publicly available Online File.

Documents will be placed onto the Online File when they are considered both by the Court and the parties to be publicly accessible. Unrestricted documents such as the originating process are already available. In particular, affidavits read and documents tendered in the proceeding (with appropriate redactions) may be placed onto the Online File. The Court has made orders prohibiting the disclosure and publication of any redacted information in those documents.

The Court will endeavour to upload documents read or tendered in Court on the day they are read or tendered.

Updated 9 October 2023

NSD1220/2020: Australian Securities & Investments Commission v Melissa Louise Caddick & Anor

Date published to websiteDate filedDocument TitleFiled by
9 October 20235 June 2023Judgment [2023] FCA 1196-
16 December 202216 December 2022Affidavit of Masiullah Zaki (PDF, 13.3 MB)Christian Dior Australia Pty Ltd
18 November 202216 November 2022

Amended points of cross-claim (PDF, 372 KB)

Mr Koletti

18 November 202215 November 2022

Interlocutory application (PDF, 375 KB)

Christian Dior Australia Pty Ltd

31 October 202228 October 2022

Affidavit of Kellie Van Munster sworn 28 October 2022 with Exhibit KVM-2 (PDF, 1 MB)

Mr Bruce Gleeson

31 October 202218 October 2022Affidavit of Vanessa Duckworth sworn 17 October 2022 with Exhibit G (PDF, 6 MB)

Mr Bruce Gleeson

31 October 20226 October 2022Affidavit of Bruce Gleeson sworn 28 September 2022 with Exhibit BG-40 (PDF, 13 MB)

Mr Bruce Gleeson

6 October 20226 October 2022Interlocutory application (PDF, 379 KB)Mr Bruce Gleeson
21 September 202220 September 2022Interlocutory application (PDF, 313 KB)Mr Bruce Gleeson
2 September 20222 September 2022Order (PDF, 158 KB)
27 July 202216 December Affidavit of Anthony KolettiMr Anthony Marcus Koletti
25 July 202227 June 2022Affidavit of Bruce Gleeson (Open affidavit) (PDF, 647 KB)Receivers 
15 June 20228 June 2022Interlocutory application (PDF, 381 KB)Barbara Grimley & Edward Grimley
3 May 20222 May 2022Concise statement (PDF, 302 KB)Receiver
3 May 20222 May 2022Concise statement (PDF, 309 KB)Receiver
19 April 202219 April 2022Concise statement (PDF, 494 KB)Mr Anthony Koletti
11 April 202207 April 2022Concise statement (PDF, 389.5 KB)Mr Edward Grimley
11 April 202204 April 2022Affidavit (PDF, 460.4 KB)Mr Bruce Gleeson
11 April 202204 April 2022Interlocutory application (PDF, 313.4 KB)Mr Bruce Gleeson
11 April 202203 March 2022Corporations Matters - Notice of Appearance Form 4 (PDF, 337.5 KB)Mr Anthony Marcus Koletti
11 April 202218 February 2022Amended Document (PDF, 628.6 KB)Mr Bruce Gleeson
17 March 202212 May 2021Affidavit of Bruce Gleeson (PDF, 6.1 MB)Receiver
17 March 202202 February 2022Affidavit of Bruce Gleeson (service on interested parties) (PDF, 2.4 MB)Receiver
17 March 202217 February 2022Affidavit of Bruce Gleeson (PDF, 718.0 KB)Receiver
17 March 202217 February 2022Exhibit BG-1 to 31 to Affidavit of Bruce Gleeson (PDF, 59.1 MB)Receiver
17 March 202223 February 2022Affidavit of Bruce Gleeson - Sale of share portfolio (PDF, 1.3 MB)Receiver
17 March 202217 February 2022Affidavit of Michael Hayter and Exhibt MKH re Anthony Koletti (PDF, 24.6 MB)Receiver
17 March 202217 February 2022Affidavit of Michael Hayter and Exhibit MKH1 re Adam Grimley (PDF, 2.4 MB)Receiver
17 March 202217 March 2022Affidavit of Michael Hayter and Exhibt MKH2 re Edward Gimley and Barbara Grimley (PDF, 11.7 MB)Receiver
17 March 202217 February 2022Affidavit of Michael Hayter and Exhibit MKH 4 re Anthony Caddick as carer (PDF, 1.9 MB)Receiver
17 March 202217 February 2022Affidavit of Michael Hayter and Exhibit MKH 1 to MKH 6 re ASIC and AFP (PDF, 6.8 MB)Receiver
17 March 202223 February 2022Affidavit of Michael Hayter (Service on Interested Parties) (PDF, 249.4 KB)Receiver
17 March 202223 February 2022Exhibit to Affidavit of Michael Hayter re Service of Interest Parties (PDF, 4.2 MB)Receiver
25 February 202224 February 2022Orders (PDF, 158 KB)
24 November 202122 November 2021Judgment [2021] FCA 1443
7 July 20215 July 2021Affidavit of Witness E1 (PDF, 4.2 MB)Plaintiff
7 July 20215 July 2021Affidavit of Susan Coetzee (PDF, 7.7 MB)Plaintiff
7 July 20217 July 2021Affidavit of Katherine Horn (PDF, 2.6 MB)Plaintiff
7 July 20215 July 2021Affidavit of Jennifer El-Azzi (PDF, 3.7 MB)Plaintiff
7 July 20215 July 2021Affidavit of David Wilson (PDF, 7.8 MB)Plaintiff
7 July 20215 July 2021Affidavit of David Smith (PDF, 6.8 MB)Plaintiff
7 July 20215 July 2021Affidavit of Chryl Kraft-Reid (PDF, 12 MB)Plaintiff
7 July 20215 July 2021Affidavit of Bruce Gleeson sworn 25 June 2021 (PDF, 6 MB)Plaintiff
7 July 20215 July 2021Affidavit of Bruce Gleeson sworn 12 May 2021 (PDF, 6.2 MB)Plaintiff
7 July 20215 July 2021Affidavit of Adam Grimley (PDF, 1.7 MB)Plaintiff
7 July 20215 July 2021Affidavit of Isabella Allen (PDF, 14.6 MB)Plaintiff
1 July 2021 1 July 2021Affidavit of Daniel Robert Soire (PDF, 435 KB)Receivers
1 July 2021 1 July 2021Affidavit of Martin Vu (PDF, 558 KB)Receivers
1 July 202129 June 2021Redacted affidavit of Emman Farroukh (PDF, 5.3 MB)Plaintiff
1 July 2021 25 June 2021Affidavit of Bruce Gleeson sworn (PDF, 1.7 MB)Receivers
1 July 2021 23 June 2021Affidavit of Martin Vu sworn (PDF, 838 KB)Receivers
1 July 2021 16 June 2021Affidavit of Suzi Stojanovski (PDF, 3 MB)Receivers
1 July 202127 May 2021Affidavit of Bruce Gleeson (PDF, 505 KB)Plaintiff
1 July 202127 May 2021Affidavit of Isabella Lucy Allen (PDF, 319 KB)Plaintiff
1 July 2021 4 May 2021Affidavit of Bruce Gleeson (PDF, 2.4 MB)Receivers
1 July 2021 28 April 2021Redacted affidavit of Jennifer El-Azzi (PDF, 7.4 MB)Plaintiff
1 July 20211 April 2021Consent of receivers of Melissa Caddick (PDF, 576 KB)Receivers
1 July 20211 April 2021Consent of receivers of Maliver Pty Ltd (PDF, 577 KB)Receivers
1 July 20211 April 2021Consent of liquidators (PDF, 577 KB)Provisional liquidators
1 July 2021 1 March 2021Affidavit of Michael Hayter (PDF, 1.5 mB)Receivers
1 July 2021 1 March 2021Affidavit of Bruce Gleeson (PDF, 2.7 MB)Receivers
1 July 202111 January 2021Affidavit of Kevin Nott (PDF, 900 KB)Plaintiff
25 June 202118 June 2021Redacted affidavit of Anthony Marcus Rodo Koletti (PDF, 2.77 MB)Defendant
25 June 202118 June 2021Interlocutory process (PDF, 332 KB)Plaintiff
25 June 202118 June 2021Further amended originating process (PDF, 490 KB)Plaintiff
25 June 202118 June 2021Amended originating process (PDF, 413 KB)Plaintiff
25 June 202117 June 2021Second further amended originating process (PDF, 474 KB)Plaintiff
25 June 202115 June 2021Order (PDF, 6.80 MB)
26 May 202126 May 2021Redacted Affidavit of Isabella Lucy Allen (PDF, 6 MB)Plaintiff
26 May 202124 May 2021Order (PDF, 157.4 KB)
26 May 202117 May 2021Interlocutory process lodged by ASIC (PDF, 312 KB)Plaintiff
23 April 202123 April 2021Further amended originating process (PDF, 467 KB)Plaintiff
22 February 202122 February 2021Order (PDF, 216 KB)
22 February 202119 February 2021Affidavit of Isabella Lucy Allen (PDF, 958 KB)Plaintiff
8 February 202117 December 2020Order (PDF, 1.2 MB)
8 April 202117 December 2020Redacted Affidavit of Isabella Lucy Allen (PDF, 6.8 MB)Plaintiff
8 February 202116 December 2020Redacted Submissions lodged by Melissa Caddick (PDF, 451.2 KB)Defendant
8 April 202116 December 2020Redacted Affidavit of Adam Edward Grimley (PDF, 11.8 MB)Defendant
8 April 202116 December 2020Redacted Affidavit of Anthony Marcus Rodo Koletti (PDF, 1.8 MB)Defendant
8 February 202115 December 2020Order (PDF, 182.4 KB)
8 April 202115 December 2020Redacted Affidavit of Isabella Lucy Allen affirmed (PDF, 6.9 MB)Plaintiff
8 February 202115 December 2020Amended originating process lodged by ASIC (PDF, 388.3 KB)Plaintiff
8 February 202115 December 2020Affidavit of Scott Harris (PDF, 811.6 KB)Defendant
8 February 202114 December 2020Affidavit of service of Jarrah Todd Wheeler Nicholson (PDF, 304.4 KB)Plaintiff
8 February 202114 December 2020Affidavit of service of Kevin Nott (PDF, 1.8 MB)Plaintiff
8 February 202114 December 2020Exhibit C Letter from Bridges Lawyers to ASIC dated 14 December 2020 (PDF, 407.8 KB)Plaintiff
8 February 202111 December 2020Submissions lodged by ASIC on 11 December 2020 (PDF, 433.1 KB)Plaintiff
8 February 202111 December 2020Exhibit A Consent of receiver signed by Bruce Gleeson and Daniel Robert Soire of Jones Partners (PDF, 626.8 KB)Plaintiff
8 February 202111 December 2020Exhibit B Consent of provisional liquidators signed by Bruce Gleeson and Daniel Robert Soire of Jones Partners (PDF, 629.8 KB)Plaintiff
8 February 202110 December 2020Order (PDF, 148.5 KB)
8 February 202110 December 2020Redacted Submissions lodged by ASIC (PDF, 378.3 KB)Plaintiff
8 February 2021 8 December 2020Order (PDF, 205.8 KB)
8 February 2021 27 November 2020Order (PDF, 145.4 KB)
8 April 202127 November 2020Redacted Affidavit of Jennifer Williamson (PDF, 725.5 KB)Defendant
8 April 202126 November 2020Redacted Affidavit of Jennifer Williamson (PDF, 32.5 MB)Defendant
8 February 202125 November 2020Interlocutory process lodged by ASIC (PDF, 291.8 KB)Plaintiff
8 February 202110 November 2020Order dated 10 November 2020 (PDF, 259.1 KB)
8 February 202110 November 2020Originating-process lodged by ASIC (PDF, 374.6 KB)Plaintiff
8 April 20219 November 2020Redacted Affidavit of Isabella Lucy Allen affirmed 9 November 2020 (PDF, 3.2 MB)Plaintiff
8 April 20219 November 2020Redacted Affidavit of Isabella Lucy Allen affirmed 9 November 2020 - main affidavit (PDF, 12.9 MB)Plaintiff

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