Saw v Seven Network

Online File

At 25 September 2024

The Federal Court has established this online file in view of the public interest in this matter.

Documents from the proceeding are being added to this online file in accordance with a protocol laid down by the Court. These documents comprise unrestricted documents, together with affidavits read in open court, documents received into evidence as exhibits, submissions acted upon in open court or in a judgment of the Court, and orders and reasons for judgment. Some redactions may be applied to material in the documents.

This online file is the only means that non-parties may use to access documents in this proceeding. Accordingly, non-party access requests should not be made.

Other information:
The case file on Federal Law Search: NSD1235/2024: Amelia Saw v Seven Network (Operations) Ltd

Date published to website Date of document Document title Filed by
24 September 2024 13 September 2024 Notice of Address for Service (PDF, 456.2 KB) Respondent
24 September 2024 06 September 2024 Originating Application (PDF, 358.5 KB) Applicant