Media Release

Justice Bromberg’s appointment as President of the Australian Law Reform Commission 

Some of the media coverage of the appointment of Justice Mordy Bromberg as the next President of the Australian Law Reform Commission has been ill-informed.

As a Judge of the Federal Court of Australia for the past 14 years, Justice Bromberg has provided dedicated, careful and hardworking public service to the Australian community. He is respected amongst his colleagues and the wider legal profession as a fair and highly capable Judge. His judgments always repay careful reading, are often cited and reveal the application of a keen intellect to the judicial task. The Court rejects out of hand any idea that Justice Bromberg has not at all times discharged his office in accordance with his judicial oath and likewise emphatically deprecates the insinuation to the contrary. That his Honour has been reversed on appeal is something which happens to every trial judge in the course of their career. The suggestion that mere reversal signifies anything about the competence of the trial judge subject to the appeal, is as misconceived as it is unfair.

The Court congratulates Justice Bromberg on his appointment.

The Honourable Chief Justice Debra Mortimer

23 June 2023 

Bruce Phillips, Director of Public Information

p: 03 8638 6806   m: 0419 341 506   e: